Chapter 2

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Well..I thought it was him..But sadly its not..instead it's a tall  handsome dark skin man. Talk about chocolate thunder. Hmmm..He looks do I know him? ..Oh I seen him earlier!! With the guy from the shoe store! Yikes!..I didnt even talk to him though?  What does he want?

Chocolate thunder: Hey shawty, can I talk to you real quick?
Krista: Yeah wassup?

I say totally confused

Chocolate Thonder: You see my mans over there?

He points to the lightskinn I mistook for an employee at the shoe store, talkin to another guy that I seen him with earlier as well..they seem deep in conversation..and then he looks at me from the corner of his eye. He licks his lips with a shy smile and looks down and then back up and starts talkin to his friend again..

Krista: Yeah what about him?

Why is he talkin to me about his friend? The hell?

Chocolate Thunder: He's interested in you..he wants to know if he can get yo number?

Awe HELL NO! Its 2016 and niggas STILL can't approach a female..? If he's interested in me then he needs to be the one to come ask for my number..iont play that dumb ass shit

Krista: Awe that's cute..but if he wants my number then he needa be the one to ask

Just then a Chinese woman comes up to us

Chinese woman: Sample? You want free sample?

She says with what looks like a fake smile

Krista: No thanks
Chinese woman: You want order? We have special going on, Buy one get one FWEE!
Krista: No not at the moment were good.
Chinese Woman: Then please get out of line. I have many customer behind you.

I look around the dark skin dude and there's only 3 people there..yeah okay.."many customers" my ass. So we both get out of line and continue to talk by the tables in the food court.

Chocolate thunder: Aight I got you hold up.

Just then he turns around yells

Chocolate thunder: Aye yo lil Luke

And he waves him over.

He and his friend stop talkin and walk over right to us.

Chocolate thunder: Nigga I told you, she wants you to talk to her, not me.

Beautiful man: Aaight I got this.

He looks at them like he wants them to leave, and they do.

Beautiful man: Wassup, I'm Lucas

He licks his lips and  gives me a short check out, lookin from my face down to my chest, then up to my face again and smiles a secret smile.

This smug bastard..he knows how cute he is.. He must think his charm is gunna work on me..little does he know I'll use him for head and walk out like nothin even happened.

Krista: 'Sup I'm Krista
Lucas: I gotta say you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on..can I take you out sometime shawty?
Krista: Here take my number..we can talk more

I put my number in his phone against better judgement, but I'm in between niggas at the moment so why not..he might be fun.

Lucas: Bet! Imma hit you up later on.
Krista: Ight.

I give him a small smile and walk past him to where my girls are at. Oh great..let's hear what they've gotta say..

Elexus: OH KAY!!! Girl I see you!
Michelle: Right! You tryna share the juice? Shit!
Krista: Girl you gotta enough juice for all of us!

We all break into a fit of laughter because everyone calls Michelle's boyfriend Juice ..okay now that I think about it, it's not that funny..but you just had to be there when he got the nickname.

*** Sorry this chapter is a little short, but I felt like it was time to update! Don't worry the next chapter will be longer, and should get a little more interesting 😉

Don't be shy! Be sure to Comment, and Vote!!! ***

Diamondz are a girls best friend: A Lucas Coly storyWhere stories live. Discover now