Chapter One

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Pushing the button I watched the steel barrier come down and lock in place, protecting us from any maniac out there who wanted to purge their sins. Shayla ran towards me, embraced me. She was scared about tonight, “it’s going to be alright honey, and we’re protected.” I reassured her as the news channels blared the reasons of tonight’s purge. It would make us all better human beings, rid us of the evil inside of us; human nature tells us that we must have a night where all the aggression needs to disappear into the dark night that is the Purge. I guided Shayla by the hand towards the dinner table where Leo was already setting the dinner table with forks and knives, napkins, the works. As we tucked into the chicken but not the vegetables yet a tension build silence bestowed upon us. ‘What’s the matter kids?’ Ryan questioned them innocently taking a sip of water. That’s when Shayla slammed her cutlery down. I gave her a startled look.

‘I don’t get it!’ she complained.

‘Sweat heart? What’s the matter?’ I asked full of concern placing my hand on top of hers.

‘The purge…’ my 6 year old girl looked down at her full plate, with sad eyes.

‘Honey tonight gives humans the right to get rid of all the evil that gets build up inside of them over time, that’s why we live so peacefully now…thanks to tonight.

‘Dad’s right Shayla,’ pitched in Leo.

‘I know it’s hard for you to understand, you’re very young honey but your father is right, now eat up all your food and then you can go watch some TV,’ I smiled at her as she began eating again. After the meal the kids went off to watch TV, like I promised them. After seeing them secure in the back room Ryan locked the door. I looked up at him…he knew what my eyes were saying. He grinned. But I had other plans, not this year would we purge together. I watched his eyes bulged as the carving knife jammed right into his stomach; I gave it a strong twist as he groaned in pain collapsing to the floor… I observed as he struggled on the floor for a moment, I decided to end his misery for him. Ripping the blade out of his body I let it attack him in the face time and time again. He led there, lifeless, bloody, ripped. I sighed and took a moment for myself; I did enjoy purging my sins. It made me feel holy again. The telephone rang at the other end of the kitchen. I strolled over to it and picked it up to be greeted with a beautiful voice, ‘Is it done?’ his husky voice questioned. He was excited.

‘Yes sir. Let the Purge begin.’ I smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2013 ⏰

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