Not Just Another High School Romance

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I know what you’re thinking. This is just another story about some poor girl who falls in love with some dreamy player. Then she loses him, and then gets him back. Then they live happily ever after. Honestly, I wish you were right. I wish my life turned into a good romance book. Too bad I face reality. My name is Julieta Bella. I'm not size zero model material. My hair is naturally strait, with a red/gold color to it. I have dark, sort of dull green eyes that turn brown around my pupil, and my face has the most annoying amount of freckles on it.

I would do anything to change my genetics and inherit my mother’s light, wavy blond hair, and my father’s dark, charming blue eyes. But life’s not fair. Instead I got dads boring color and my grandma's eyes. I also inherited my father’s thicker bones. I was never completely overweight, but compared to my friend Taylor, I was fatter that Santa clause three days after Christmas. She's a petite blond. A walking Barbie. I would do anything to have her body.


My mom was always the Hippie Dippy type. She always wore beautiful sun dresses that reached down to her knee. Her hair was always long and wavy. As if golden rivers flowed down her head to her mid back. She never got angry, or did any drugs. She doesn't even know what alcohol tastes like. She is always happy, and supports me in anything I do. My dad is the same way, only he can have a temper at times.  Nothing to terrible, but he tends to raise his voice when he is angry.

As a kid, I was always the sporty girl. I loved volleyball, Dance, and Soccer. That all changed when I grew up though. When I reached sixth grade, I became interested in more artistic stuff.  I love to sketch, read, paint, play many instruments, dance, sing, and write.  I wasn’t very good at any of these things at first, but I am a lot better now. Hopefully my writing is better, but I can’t be too sure. I’m not the one reading it.

Alright, now let’s stop talking about me and my life. I’m sure you guys are bored to tears. So let’s move on with reality, and what’s going on this year, in high school.

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