Friday the 13th. Midnight. I heard blood-churning screams, I ran downstairs to see what was the matter. I saw what looked like my sisters cut up, my mother's getting raped, while my father's ho-ha was getting completely cut off while he was conscious, and after that they drew a knife in his eyes. Some of the men were laughing at their pain then one of them turned around to my direction. I then realized it was my sweet neighbor that everyone girl had a crush on, well I thought he was sweet until now. But he still hot. I quickly ducked somewhere where I was completely hidden. "Who's there?"
No answer.
My neighbor was about to come near my hiding spot until one of the other men said "Yo, dude we gotta go." and they all walked to but not before they killed my parents and took some stuff with them. I made sure I heard them leave before I bolted to the door. I locked the door quickly. After I went to my family's bodies and started to cry until I saw a note attached to my father's chest
It read:
Dear Amara,
I know you were here, my beautiful pearl and I'll be coming for you tomorrow. And if you don't mind, I took your sister and brother. And to be honest, I really don't care whether you mind or not. Also if you want to see them again, in one piece, then you better be there when I come to pick you up.
From, Mr. SalinosP.S.
Don't call the police or elseI felt rage rising up inside me. This man has much nerve to try to tell me what to do, be rude, and threaten me. I would love to beat te crap out of them. My thoughts snapped to my siblings and I really wanted to see them again. Horrible pictures popped up in my head and I decided to stay and wait for the man. I shook the thoughts out and focused on cleaning the mess the men made. I separated my family's bodies to their own piles and labeled them. I just knew in my gut which body part was which. I cried the whole time I cleaned up and after I finished I was a snotty mess. I went to the bathroom to was off myself. After I cleaned myself physically, I went to bed. But only to be greeted by images of what happened today. I whimpered as I tried to sleep despite the images in my head.
Heyy, readers. I hope you liked it, it'll get better soonn and you can suggest songs and etc. Thank you. Amara in media box and Why by Rascal Flatss as well ;) Ciao.