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LEADER- FERNSTAR: A light brown tabby she-cat with brilliant brown eyes. (Leads the clan, leaders word is law)

DEPUTY- NEEDLENOSE: A white tom with ginger patches and amber eyes. (Next in line for leader)

MEDICINE CAT- CLOUDWING: A grey tabby Tom with yellow eyes. (Clan healer)

WARRIORS- (toms, and she-cats without kits)
BLUEFANG: A blueish grey she-cat with blue eyes.
GREYWHISKER: A spotted grey and black tom with brown eyes.
STONEFLIGHT: A ginger she-cat with grey stripes and brown eyes. (APPRENTICE- SNOWPAW)
STREAMSHADE: A dappled ginger she-cat with yellow eyes.
SCARLETFUR: A reddish ginger tom with green eyes.
BERRYTAIL: A pale tabby tom with amber eyes. (APPRENTICE- BLACKPAW)
SANDPOOL: A dappled calico she-cat with pale blue eyes.
HOLLOWPELT: A brown and black tom with brown eyes.
RIVERSTRIPE: A dark brown and silver tabby tom with amber eyes.
CREAMHEART: A creamy she-cat with brown eyes.
THUNDERCLOUD: A grey and silver tom with glimmering brown eyes. (APPRENTICE- BRAKENPAW)
DAWNSTORM: A pale cream tabby she-cat with beautiful yellow eyes.
BRIGHTCLOUD: A bright brown spotted she-cat with green eyes.
SPLASHCLAW: A creamish spotted she-cat, with grey spots and green eyes.

APPRENTICES- (warriors in training, under 12 moons)
BRACKENPAW: A light grey tabby with pale green eyes.
BLACKPAW: A black and white she-cat with yellow eyes.
SNOWPAW: A white tom with sparkling pale blue eyes.

QUEENS- (she-cats nursing or expecting kits.)
FROSTPETAL: A white she-cat with pinkish eyes.
DAPPLEHEART: A dappled ginger and white she-cat with amber eyes. (KITS: LARKKIT, RAINKIT, MAPLEKIT, ICEKIT.)

KITS-(kittens, 6 moons and under)
LARKKIT: A dark grey tabby she-cat with brilliant brown eyes.
RAINKIT: A light brown tabby tom with bright green eyes.
MAPLEKIT: a white and brown she-cat with amber eyes.
ICEKIT: a white and ginger Tom with amber eyes.

ELDERS- (former warriors and queens, retired)
WHITETAIL: An old white tom with pale yellow eyes.


LEADER- PALESTAR: A dark grey tabby tom with bright green eyes.

DEPUTY- ROCKYFLIGHT: A dark grey tom with staring amber eyes.

MEDICINE CAT- MOONFUR: A silver tabby she-cat with gentle dark blue eyes.

RABBITCLAW: A light grey tom with a white chest and bright yellow eyes.
SILVERMIST: A tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes.
BADGERFANG: A black and white tom with one yellow eye and one brown.
DUSKPELT: A dusky brown she-cat with hazel eyes.
DUSTHEART: A brown and white tom with blue eyes.
FIRECLOUD: A fiery ginger she-cat with white paws and a white tipped tail, green eyes.
STREAMFUR: A bluish grey tom with black stripes and white paws, pale brown eyes.
STORMNOSE: A dark grey she-cat with white spots and dark green eyes.
BERRYFACE: A ginger and brown tom with strange red eyes.
WILLOWLEAF: A good-looking calico she-cat with pretty light blue eyes.

THRUSHPAW: a light brown tom, with darker brown paws, and pale blue eyes.
SPOTTEDPAW: a spotted tabby she-cat with very, very dark green eyes.
LAKEPAW: a soft, gentle looking light brown tabby Tom with light yellow eyes.

SNOWFROST: a white and black she-cat with blue eyes. (KITS- WATERKIT, TIGERKIT)

WATERKIT: a blueish grey Tom with black stripes and green eyes.
TIGERKIT: a orangey ginger she-cat with black stripes and yellow eyes.

LIONFUR: a blonde, golden Tom with blind blue eyes.
SQUIRRELEYES: a reddish she-cat with torn ears and brown eyes.


LEADER- CLOUDSTAR: A dark grey tabby tom with wise dark blue eyes.

DEPUTY- MISTYFUR: A very pale grey she-cat with a scar running down her face and yellow eyes.

MEDICINE CAT- BLUEPOOL: A brown and white dappled tom with light green eyes. (APPRENTICE- GORSEPAW)

RAINFLOWER: A snowy white she-cat with long legs and sharp green eyes.
FOXFOOT: A glimmering red tom with white on his belly, and piercing blue eyes.
SKYFALL: A small silver tabby she-cat with sky blue eyes.
BLIZZARDSHADE: A dark, shadowy tom, with bright, wide, green eyes.(APPRENTICE- WINDPAW)
SPOTTEDLEAF: A dappled, tortoiseshell and white she-cat, with breathtaking, pale orange eyes.
BRACKENHOLLOW: A brown tabby tom with white stripes and dark blue eyes.
TAWNYFEATHER: A strange coloured tortoiseshell she-cat with blazing light blue eyes.
FLAMEWHISKER: A handsome ginger tabby tom with wide yellow eyes. (APPRENTICE- HAYPAW)
POPPYCLAW: A soot black she-cat with long claws and very pale green eyes.
SMOKESPIRIT: A smokey spotted tom with blue eyes.

WINDPAW: A brown, short furred she-cat with amber eyes.
GORSEPAW: A long furred creamy tom with wide blue eyes.
HAYPAW: A golden she-cat, with white paws and bright, shining green eyes.

HONEYTAIL: A blonde tabby she-cat, with big, grey eyes. (KITS- STRIPEDKIT)
SMALLNOSE: A dusky black she-cat, with dark grey eyes.

STRIPEDKIT: A golden tabby tom with light blue grey, eyes.

DARKTREE: A matted grey tabby tom , with yellow eyes.
LIGHTFOOT: a black she-cat with one white paw, orange eyes.
ERINHUNTER: Dear people who don't read the Allegiances: you missed out on Erin Hunter :,^(


LEADER- QUIETSTAR: A white tom with brown stripes.

DEPUTY- BLUEGAZE: A soft blue tabby, with bright blue eyes.

SUNFUR: A ginger Tom with white staining his muzzle, brown eyes.
DARKHEART: A dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes.
BRIGHTFLOWER: A light ginger she-cat tabby, with wonderful green eyes.
YELLOWTAIL: An almost hairless white she-cat, with strange brown eyes.
CLAWPELT: A white Tom with hazel eyes.
TIGERLEAP: A white she-cat with black stripes and blue eyes.
LIONSTEP: A black tom, with white stripes and blue eyes.
MOONFANG: a silver tabby she-cat.
RAINJAW: A dull grey tom, with big paws, and grey eyes.
MOUSEWHISPER: A mouse-like she-cat, with white paws, and yellow eyes.

HAZELPAW: A brown she-cat with white paws and yellow eyes.
MUDDYPAW: A dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes.
LONGPAW: a white and brown spotted she-cat with yellow eyes.
REDPAW: a white and reddish brown tom with a long tail and blue eyes.

HAWKTOOTH: A snappy grey tabby she-cat with big, grey eyes.(KITS- SHADEKIT, SKYKIT)

BARKKIT- A shadowy tom.
SKYKIT- A silver tabby she-cat.

TALLFUR: a white tom with amber eyes.
APPLELEAF: a brown and grey she-cat with blue eyes.


BURN- A big scarred black tom with piercing yellow eyes.
MEG- A small brown she-cat with green eyes.
PATCH- a patchy Tom with wide grey eyes.

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