Science -_-

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warning: I'm definitely going to curse because I'm v mad

So my fucking science teacher apparently hates me because he's threatening to fail me. LIKE WILL YOU GO KINDLY FUCK OFF IVE DONE NOTHING WRONG ASSHOLE! Literally he claims to be missing 3 assignments from me even though I handed in two of them and I was sick when he made the class do the other one so I wasn't there. On Monday he told me he was missing them but I told him that I turned in those assignments and he FUCKING FOUND ONE OF THEM AND DIDN'T CHANGE MY GRADE! Why the hell is he going to fail me if in every other assignment, test, and quiz I have gotten above a 90 on? like that should turn out to be a B not an F. ALL OF THE KIDS AT MY SCHOOL HATE ME AND NOW THE TEACHERS? I'VE DONE NOTHING TO THEM WTF?

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