The Only Exception

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Hey New story!!! Had the idea after reading some other boyxboy stories. Hope you like it.

That's Ashton ---------------->

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     It all started one Monday morning as I was walking down the hallway with my best friend, Nick Ruttela. We stopped to talk to Nick's girlfriend, but she's not important so I won't tell you her name. Infact, I don't know her name. Aren't I just an amazing friend? Anyways, I was looking around when I saw the sexiest hunk of man flesh to walk the earth heading straight for me. Ardon McClayn, mysterious bad boy. The lady-killer. Seriously though, this boy is sexy! He has straight jet black hair with the tips of his bangs dyed purple. His bangs fall into his hypnotizing grey eyes. Along with his tanned skin and muscular build, I could just die!

     "Hey Ashton." He greeted me.

     "H-Hey Ardon." I replied. God I'm a stuttering fool.

     Then the most amazing thing happened. He winked at me! Ardon McClayn actually winked at me! But being the idiot I am, I just blushed and watched him walk away. If you haven't figured it out by now, I, Ashton Jameson, am gay. I spent my whole life in the closed up until this year when I finally got balls enought to tell the school. Guess what. Nobody gave a damn! I spent my whole life freaking out about what everyone would do, and nobody cared! Now I'm a junior and showing off my gay pride. I don't know if Ardon is just messing with me or if he's trying to tell me something. All I know is that boy's got me whipped.

     "Ashton!" Nick yelled.

     "What?" I asked, turning my attention to him.

     "Are you done checking out Ardon's ass? Can we go now?" He asked.

     "I wasn't checking out his ass! I was thinking!" I defended myself.

     That was the truth, I wasn't checking him out. I was merely thinking about Ardon and all his sexy glory. It's totally different.

     "Whatever you say. Now come on gay boy, let's get to class." Nick said. I nodded and followed him.

     Now some people might think it's mean to call me gay boy, but Nick's my best friend and he's been calling me that ever since I told him. For all you people who are wondering, which probably isn't alot, Nick was the first one I told. I remember it like it was yesterday.


     "Hey Nick can I talk to you?" I asked.

     "Sure." He replied. I grabbed his arm and drug him into a secluded corner.

     "Okay, I don't know how you're going to react so I'm just gonna come out and say it. Nick, I'm gay." I braced mysleft for his reaction, but he had a slight smile on his face.

     "Thanks." He said.

     "What?" I was very confused.

     "You trust me enough to tell me this." He explained.

     "Oh, right. So you're okay with it?" I asked.

     "Yea." He replied.

     "Oh thank the lord!" I yelled, reaching my hands up toward the sky.

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