Where Y'all Met! <LIAM>

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You're walking around an all night supermarket in your hometown. You're sort of an insomniac so you have trouble sleeping at night. You like to go out when you can't sleep instead of just staying in. You get easily bored. There isn't many people out at this time of night so you decided to stay in your pajamas. You were wearing long, fleece pants that were pink with pandas all over them, a black oversized t-shirt, and warm, fuzzy boots, considering it was winter and you wanted to be warm and cozy. You walk down the ice cream isle, deciding that you'd like to have some of your favorite ice cream; Ben and Jerry's Cinnamon Bun. You reach for the handle of the door and your hand bumps someone else's, them obviously reaching for the handle as well. You look up and see a very familiar guy. Big brown eyes, buzzed head, light stubble on his chin. He was wearing black sweat pants, brown house slippers, and an oversized white tank top....who was he? And what was HE doing up so late? You look closer at his face and see the bags under his eyes and the way his shoulders drooped slightly. You drop your hand from the handle and turn your body towards him as he just watches you.

"You look tired. And sad. What's wrong?"

You were always very straight forward with people, getting right to the point. You were also a very observant person, watching their body language, seeing the immense pain or undying love in someone's yes. And by looking at this man, you could tell he was sad. Something was wrong. He looks at you shocked, surprised that you said that so suddenly and could tell his pain so easily. His eyes flit around nervously and his mouth opens and closes several times, an inward battle on whether he should tell you or lie and say he's fine. You patiently wait for him, looking into his eyes, letting him know he can tell you. Trust you. His rapidly moving eyes meet your calm stare. He sighs and talks quietly, spilling out his thoughts to a complete, beautiful stranger.

"I'm stressed. Everyone expects me to go here or do this, wear this, look like this. It's hard trying to please everyone. Some people want one thing while others want the complete opposite. I get so confused sometimes that...I don't even know what I want anymore. I can't even sleep at night anymore, worrying that I'll do something that'll ruin the band. I feel sad. I feel tired. I feel...numb. Sometimes not even that. Sometimes...nothing."

You realize at the beginning of his rant that he is Liam Payne, of One Direction. But now, he's just a young boy, confused and in pain. You smile at him gently and take his warm hand into yours. As he looks at you, he reminds you of a frightened child. His eyes wide and innocent, unshed tears dwindling on the surface. His beautiful lips quivering with the overwhelming stress that should not be put on someone his age. You stare into his eyes as you speak to him in gentle, comforting words.

"Everything's going to be okay, Liam. It may not seem like it now, but I promise you, it will find a way to all work out in the end. I'm not going to lie and tell you I know how you feel; because I don't. And you shouldn't feel this way either. You're so young. You were thrown into a grown up world untrained and confused. It's unfair to you. But you have people who love you and would do anything for you. Tell them how you feel and maybe they can help. Don't leave it bottled up for it to just come pouring down on you all at once. And please; be yourself. Don't be who everyone wants you to be. Be YOU. That's the best person you can be. If people truly love you, they love you for who you REALLY are. If you make mistakes, which you will, they'll be able to look past it and forgive you and not let it ruin everything that the two of you have." At this point, tears are pouring down Liam's face, his hand holding yours in a grip so tight, you're sure to bruise, but you don't care. He's letting everything out. He's letting go. You pull him to the back of the store to have a bit of privacy in case anyone does happen to show up. You immediately pull him into a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck as he buries his face into your shoulder, sobs wracking through his tired, overworked body. He wraps his arms tight around your middle, holding onto you for dear life, as if you're the only thing keeping him on the ground. You place one of your hands on the back of his head, rubbing soothing circles with your thumb.

After what seems like hours, which it actually turned out to be, he quiets and loosens his hold on you, but not letting go. He raises his head from your tearstained shoulder and looks into your Y/E/C eyes. He smiles at you lightly. The stress lifted off his shoulders. His mind at ease.

He already loves you. You uttered a few simple words and his whole world came together. No one has ever had that affect on him before. He loves your kind eyes. Your gentle voice. Your pink lips that curve up into a stunning smile making your eyes squint a little. Your soft hand that fits so perfectly into his larger, calloused hand.

You look at him and give him a bright smile. He'd remember the day he met you, the day you fixed him. This day. He keeps you close now. Needing you to keep him together and even fix him up again when he feels as if he'll break. You whisper five little words, one simple phrase, that Liam would continue to repeat to himself when he felt like the whole world was against him.

"Everything's going to be okay."

So? How is it?! This one is my favorite I think. I hope you really like it and let me know if you do :) I love all of you like crayzay!

xoxo Summer

Ps: Stop bullying! *a message from One Direction*

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