Kiss Me (This boy will be the death of me...)

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     You and Niall had met two years ago when he was at a concert. You worked for the arena they were playing at that night and the two of you ended up clicking really well. Niall has finally gotten a month off during the tour and decides he wants to see you after visiting his family in Mullingar. You guys always Skyped while he was on tour and've been feeling different whenever you see him and talk to him. Whenever he's talking, you can't help but stare at his lips, wondering how it'd feel to kiss him. You kept it to yourself though. Niall didn't need to know. RING RING! RING RING! RIN- "Hello?" "Hey Y/N! Where's tha craic?" You laugh as you hear his thick accent, the feeling of butterflies you've gotten so used to rising into the pit of your stomach. "You know what I'm doing! Waiting for SOMEone to get their Irish ass here!" You pause here for a moment while Niall laughs for what seems like forever. "But seriously, when will you be here?" "I should actually be there..."- BEEP BEEP -"...right about now." You run to the window and see a car sitting in front of your house. You squeal and hang up the phone and run outside to the car knowing your best friend is in there. You pull open the door and yank Niall's arm, pulling him out of the car and into your arms, burying your face into his warm chest. "Ya cunt, ya hung up on me!" You burst out laughing at his child-like attitude. You pull back and keep him at arms length just looking at him. "I've missed you Ni." He smiles and musses your hair. "Missed ya too. I have so much to tell ya!" He drags you inside, leaving his bags in the car, and you both sit on the couch. "Okay so this happened the very first day okay so Harry was running around in the bus..." Niall went on talking and you caught yourself staring at his lips again as he talked. His straight, white teeth, pink lips that just looked so hypnotizing. "...then-then hahahahaha he ran into the door! Hahaha he wasn't even paying attent-" "Kiss me." ...It slipped out. You were thinking it and it slipped out. You slapped your hand over your mouth as Niall just stared at you. You sat there staring at each other for a while, you getting restless every second until you can't take the silence. "Ni please say something!" Niall opens his mouth and says, "Were you even listening to my story?! Rude!" You smack his arm and laugh surprised. "Niall!! Really!? THAT'S what you're goin-" You're cut off by a gentle touch to your lips..the kiss you've longed for for months. Niall pulls back only enough to see your face. You look at him surprised and raised your eyebrows. "Why are ya looking at me like that for? Ya cut me off first." This boy will be the death of me...


     You're mad. Not like, I-hate-you-go-die mad but a you-are-annoying-me-ugh mad. You went to the store to get some groceries for you and Louis and left him alone in the house. You didn't like to leave him, knowing how clumsy he can sometimes be but you thought you'd give him some trust and leave him alone for an hour. You didn't get too much and were able to carry it in and put it all away yourself. You begin to look for Louis. So far, nothing seemed amiss, except that you couldn't find Louis. "Lou? Where are you?" Louis walks out of yours and his room with his bottom lip sucked into his mouth. Uh oh. "Lou..what happened?" You tried to come to him with a calm approach to ease his nerves. He looks so nervous and his hands are visibly shaking. You grab both of his hands in yours and hold them tight. "C'mon babe. Tell me." His big eyes look into yours, scared but with that underlying hint of love they always hold. "You'll be mad. Really mad. You'll hate me an-" "Louis Tomlinson I couldn't hate you even if someone put a gun to my head and told me to. I love you Lou. It'd be worse if you didn't tell me and I found out on my own." Louis lays his forehead softly on top of your head, staying silent for a moment. You tighten your hold on his hands and give him his time. "Whm ymm imm mm frmd.." You could hear him mumble something but you couldn't tell what exactly he said. You pull your face back to look into his. "What'd you say babe?" "...will you kiss me first?" You furrow your brow at him and smile to him. "Why do you ask me that?" Louis sighs loudly and places his hands on your hips, playing with the hem of your shirt. "You might not want to when you know what I broke.." You smile at his sad face and place your hands on his cheeks, pulling him down to meet your lips. You kiss him softly and slowly, letting him know he shouldn't worry by being gentle with him. You pull back and smile at him yet again. "Alright..Ibroketherollychairthat'satyourdesk." You roll your eyes at him after having to think about what he said, his confession coming out too fast. "You were spinning in it again weren't you." "...maybe.." This boy will be the death of me...


     "Kiss me." "No Harry." "Just kiss me c'mon pleeeease?" "NO. HARRY." You and Harry have been friends since you were both about 13 when Harry told you he thought you were the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. At the ages of 16, he told you he liked you, but you weren't sure if you felt the same. It's been 4 years since his confession and since he began One Direction, he's grown more confident in what he says is his 'undying love' for you. You're staying at his family home while he's home for 3 months before the Where We Are tour. "I'll give you 5 bucks if you kiss me." "Psh really? 5 bucks is the best you can do?" Harry pouts at you as you, again, turn him down for a kiss. His face lights up suddenly as he comes up with a new offer. "How about a cheek kiss?" You turn your head from the tv and stare at him with a really-Harry-really look on your face. "I'm not dull Harry. I know you'll just turn your head at the last second." Harry groans loudly and throws himself dramatically onto the floor face down. "Overdramatic as usual, Styles." He rolls over onto his back and looks at you. "I think I know how to solve this." You lift your eyebrow skeptically at his serious expression, waiting for him to explain. "Kiss me. Just one kiss on the lips..and I'll never ask for another one ever again. I promise." You stare at him while considering his proposal. He'd let up if I just kiss him and I mean, it's just one kiss. Plus, he's probably a good kisser..what could it hurt? You nod after thinking it over. "Okay Harry. One kiss and you'll stop pestering me about it, right?" Harry fumbles to get up off the floor and take his seat next to you, looking into your eyes with a mix of nervousness, excitement, and surprise. "Y-yes absolutely. I promise and you know I don't break promises." "...okay." You glance over at Harry, getting nervous. You take a deep breath and quickly place your lips onto his. After Harry's shock, he moves his lips against yours lightly hoping for a response from you. You try to stay sane and not kiss back feels good. It feels right. You let your eyes slip closed as you kiss Harry back a bit, but as soon as he realizes you're responding, he raises his large hand to the back of your head and tilts his head forcing more pressure onto your lips causing them to slip open as his tongue grazes yours. You gasp in surprise and pull away enough to look at Harry. He looks back to you with a smile not only on his face but even in his eyes but a trace of sadness flashes on his face before he speaks. "As promised, I won't ask you again..thank you for that." He starts to get up when you come to your senses. "Wait! Harry!" He turns and looks at you, his lips pinker than usual from the passionate kiss you shared. You smirked at Harry and said, "Kiss me Harry." He looks at you amazed but then bites his lip and smirks back at you. "NO. Y/N." Your jaw drops in shock and you laugh at him, him getting back at you for earlier. "Harry!!!" This boy will be the death of me...


















Sorry you guy for not posting in forever but I had college finals and I had to get my books and my classes sorted, then I had Christmas and New Years and my cousin/best friend had surgery so it's been crazy.

I want to thank you guys so much for getting me 10k reads! Thank you guys so much! If you ever want to request something or give me an opinion on my writing that'd be great! 

I'll post Zayn and Liam when I have time. I might be able to tomorrow. Hopefully (fingers crossed)! Hope you like this one! I thought it was fun.

If you want to suggest something for Zayn's or Liam's message me and if I like your idea, I'll use it and dedicate it to you!!!!

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xoxo Summer

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