Full Name Preference!

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*~“Zayn Javaad Malik!” He knows when he hears his full name, he’s in deep shit. Zayn walks into the bathroom, head down and playing with his fingers. “Yeah babe?” You just look at him and wait for him to apologize. He knows what he did and that you’ve told him to stop millions of times. He sighs and quietly walks over to the toilet, putting the lid down. He turns back to you, looking at you from under his long, dark eyelashes. “I’m sorry…you know how I forget.” You smile softly and lean forward pecking his cheek. “And that’s what you have me for. To remind you.” He smiles his gorgeous eye-crinkling smile and moves to hold your hand, but you take a step back and wrinkle your nose in disgust. “Don’t touch me with your nasty toilet hands. Wash them first.” He just laughs as he walks to the sink, completely forgiven…until he does the same thing again tomorrow.

*~”Niall James Horan you stop that right now!” You’ve yelled at him to stop for the past 20 minutes but the boy is STUBBORN. He throws another piece of popcorn at the television, nailing Joseph Gordon-Levitt right in the middle of his forehead. You pause the movie and glare at Niall. He looks over at you and raises his eyebrows, as if he doesn’t know what he’s done wrong. You look him dead in his baby blues and speak sternly, hoping he’ll actually listen this time. “Stop. Throwing. Popcorn. At. The. Movie. If you don’t want to watch it you could just say so.” “I don’t want ta watch it.” “Too bad.” You unpause the movie and continue to watch. Niall huffs loudly, pouting. You inwardly swoon as Joseph shows up on the screen again... *dink* “Niall stop it!”

*~”Louis William Tomlinson.” You’ve been trying to get Louis’ attention all day but he’s been playing FIFA 2014 ever since he woke up this morning. At this point, he’s sitting on the couch intently watching the television as you’re sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of him, just staring up at him. “Lou… Louis… Babe… Lou Lou... Boo Bear... Baby… Sweetheart… Pudding Pie... Honey Bunch….” Louis pauses the game and looks down at you. “Can I help you?” You gasp dramatically. “Me? You’re speaking to ME? Oh my! It’s a miracle! Louis’ talking to me!” He rolls his eyes and unpauses his game, beginning to play again. You groan loudly, resting your forehead on his knee. Louis chuckles under his breath and again pauses the game. He sits back on the couch and spread his legs patting the space between them. “Yay!” You jump up and sit in between his legs as he begins playing again. He may not be paying complete attention to you, but you’re in his arms, and that’s enough for you.

*~”Harry Edward Styles…” You write his name in pretty cursive writing in your notebook. Under his name, you write yours, surrounding both your names’ with small hearts. You pull out your phone and take a quick picture, quickly sending it to Harry. You smile at your childish drawing and rip it out, taking it into Harry’s room and hanging it up on his wall right above his bed. You sit back and admire your drawing, laughing at yourself. “I love it.” You jump at the deep British accent coming from the door. You turn and quickly throw a pillow at him, hitting him in the face. “Harry, you scared me you jerk!” He laughs and sits in the middle of his bed next to you. He looks up at your drawing then smiles widely, dimples out in all their glory. He leans over you and pulls a pencil out of his bedside table. You watch as he leans up and starts messing with your picture. “What are you doing?” He finishes and leans back, tucking the pencil behind his ear. You look at your edited drawing and blush. Harry had erased your last name, replacing it with his.

*~”Liam James Payne you get back here right now,” you mumble sleepily as Liam sits up in bed, throwing his legs over the side. “Babe, I’m just going to the bathroom. Go back to sleep.” You groan and smack his arm halfheartedly. “You stay here…pee later.” He laughs and leans over kissing your forehead. “Sleep…,” he whispers against your skin. Usually this would work but not tonight. You push him away and sit up, rubbing your eyes. “I’ll wait here.” He rolls his eyes, still quietly laughing. He leaves to the bathroom and does his business. When he walks back out, his eyes close and he sighs, rubbing his hands over his face. You had fallen over while he was in the bathroom and were now asleep in the middle of the bed, half on your side and half on his. “Now what am I supposed to do…”










Picture of Joseph Gordon-Levitt ->

I have a couple day off from college so I may write a few more in the next two days. Thanks so much for stickin' with me. You guys are the greatest <3 I'm still open to any preference requests or personal imagines if any of you guys want one. I WILL dedicate <3 I love y'all buttons ;D







Cute as a button every single one of you!



xoxo Summer

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