Chapter 2: Getting to know you?

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I woke up in an good mood, surprisingly. Usually i'd be all cranky and stuff but, nope. It's been 3 months since i've moved to london. I've been working so hard to make enough money to get my own place. In total i've had like 3 jobs. The cafe was my current job and hopefully it will stay that way. On my other two jobs i had worked at a book store ,where i had to fill in the book shelves every once and a while. Grandma was worried that i was over working my self, but what can i do. I needed the money. My second job wouldn't be considered as a job, it would be more like volunteering. I volunteered at a hospital to read the little kids some stories. I enjoyed it really. So baisically the book store paid me a little over what i usaully make a week for volunteering.

It was a bit chilly inside the house and i was off work today, so i decided to put on my robe over my sleep wear. I had smelt breakfast already cooking on the stove. Strange... I'm the one who starts breakfast every morning.

"Must be Grandma...." I mumbled to my self.

I walked down the stairs and into the long hall way. My Grandpa had walked up behind me and startled me.

"Geez, Grandpa!" I giggled.

"I'm sorry dear." He laughed and patted my back. " Good morning."

We both walked into the kitchen and i can see grandma making some pancakes.

"Morning Grandma" i said as i sat my self at the table.

"Good morning deary! You seem cheery!" She kissed my forehead and placed a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Your favorite!"

"Yeah... Pancakes are my favorite." I seemed confused. I'm usally the one who makes them breakfast. "What's up? You don't make pancakes for me like this. Especially chocolate chip pancakes."

"It's not good to work your self out so much dear." She walked back to the stove to flip a pancake.

I cut a piece and put it in my mouth. " Hmm.." I was still courious.

After grandma served grandpa and her self a plate of delicious pancakes she brung up a question.

"If i asked you to watch over the house for us dear, would you?"

The question surprised me. "Of course.. But why?"

She had looked to grandpa and smiled. "We want to travel the world before... You know.. We leave"

"Oh! Of course. You guys have done alot for me, how could i say no." I smiled.

"Thank you dear. But i am still a bit worried. London isn't always so safe you know?" She seemed concerned since i haven't made any friends here. "I can have aunt Lisa come by and check on you?"

"It's fine Grandma. I actually made a really nice frie-"

"Ah! Great! Ask her to come and stay for a few weeks, will you?"

"Sure. I'll ask HIM and see if he can pass by once and a while."

"Oh!" Me and her made this weird contact that girls do and i found that funny. "Ok. Ask HIM then. We'll be leaving early in the morning tomorrow, so i'm sorry if i'm not there to make you these pancakes."

I giggled. "No worries. I'll be perfeclty fine. I have the police on speed dial." I smiled.

After breakfast i decided to go out and walk around town. Maybe i'll find some places that look suitible for a newborn.

I walked up stairs to my bedroom and changed my clothes. Nothing really fancy, just something to keep me warm. I put my hair into a messy bun and walked downstairs. Again.

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