Snow (Short Story)

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Kolacky. I love Kolacky.
I am sitting in a fur- trimmed silk nighty. This is how it used to be.
As I'm sitting here in a dull creamy classroom, where I do choir, I sing a soft sweet lullaby called 'Mama'. I imagine how it used to be & this is my story, gently looking back where I'm sitting by a log fire wearing a fur-trimmed silk nighty....
Eating kolacky...
And Watching my mother dance with father to a sound of a harp being played... before long I'm wrapping a fur-trimmed coat around me & bunny. I am pulled from the party within by the countess.............

The cold air bites into me like sharp teeth. I can sense a feeling of alone, except from the trees rustling............

I can hear fragments of noise, but it could just be the wind howling above us............

There is no escape from them, from the nightmare............

Suddenly, the countess tells us to hide,so me & Larisa hide in a bush.
And then we see them. We see green & purple, we see blood stains, we see her hurt in the snow.
Then I step on something. CRACK! Everything changes in seconds. A torch is shone towards us. They seize us from behind. We try to scream but we cannot. We think it's a nightmare, but it's real this time.

We see the countess lying there in the snow. Her eyes terrified. We struggle. They drag us away. We manage to scream, " NYET! NYET! NYET......!"
It is too late.

Chapter 2

I wake up. I am freezing cold. I see a white van with the number plate 'GMC-JH' driving away into the distance. I hear the rush of cars beside me. I cannot sit. So I shuffle on my side to the tree near me and lean against it. It hurts. But, I manage it. I cannot scream out. No one will listen. No one can see me now. I am unwanted. I am by the roadside, it seems. Left to die.

I must not think that. It is impossible. I will die quicker that way. I need to live, to be alive. To see the world once more.

But, no. Someone has just left me near a main road and has driven away and I cannot move and someone must help me. I just cannot starve. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it, Sofia!
My self conscience is speaking now, I will listen, ok.

I look around me. There is no one else there, just me. So I pull myself together and I think. But. I soon feel so tired, my whole body aches with pain. My eyes keep flickering because I am trying to stay awake, but I cannot for much longer and my eyes close.

( The eye witness - who rescues Sofia and takes her to hospital quickly )

I suddenly slam on my brakes and get out of the car at once. Next to my car on the roadside is a little girl, no older than 3 years old. She is pale skinned, has chestnut brown hair and eyelashes.

She is wearing the most beautiful dress I have ever seen in my life. Chiffon , lace, and fur trimmed. She is also wearing a fur trimmed coat with a tiny rabbit toy with blue eyes tucked into her coat. Her eyes are closed and she is smiling in her sleep, but I notice there is something not quite right. 

I lean over her and check her pulse and her breathing and make sure she is alright, then I pick her up and lay her down in my car and lay a blanket over her.
I get back into my car and I drive as fast as I can to the nearest hospital.

( At the hospital in the A & E department)

I storm in to A & E carrying her. Everyone looks up at once. A nurse tells me to take a seat. I lay her down on a chair, but after 1 hour and 30 minutes of waiting I go straight up to a nurse.

She tells me to just wait and I have just had enough now. I scream out so everyone hears me, " I came in an hour ago with a little girl who I found next to the roadside, and you don't care! She could be dying now! When I found her, her eyes were closed and they still are! Are you going to help her? Or are you just going to let her die?!? And I think her leg is broken too! There could be other things wrong with her too!".

Everyone in the waiting room looks at me. A mum and her child are meant to go next, but the mum insists that I should go before her and her child. The nurses tell me to carry her into the A & E doctors room. So I do as I am told, and follow them into the room.

I have to give a statement about how I found her and I do, then I watch them as they check her over.
Then the nurses and the doctor are whispering things to each other and a doctor and a nurse go out of the door.

4 doctors come in pushing a hospital bed with a drip attached to the bed. They swiftly lift the little girl into the bed and give her a blood test and attach her to the drip.

Next, they stick more needles into her to attach more tubes to her and then they finally put an oxygen mask on her face. Before they push her out of the room, I call after them if she is gonna be all right. And I sing out loud," Don't worry, cuz' every little thing is gonna be alright".

Chapter 3

I wake up in a room with bright, blinding, white lights. Am I dead? Is this what they call 'heaven'?
Everything is blurry. I cannot see that much, everything is like a dot painting, but then I smell ,that smell. A hospital smell.  Then, a nurse comes in holding a clipboard in her hands. Also, there is a stiff, searing pain in my left leg. I don't want to move, I just stare at her which makes her get annoyed with me.

She leans over me to get a closer look at me and pushes up her glasses that she is wearing. I know I could describe her as a strict teacher, or even a witch.
The way she is looking at me, is quite creepy.

Then, there is a strange high-pitched screeching from one of the machines. She calls for assistance at once! She says," KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! DO NOT LET YOURSELF DIE!".

Then her voice fades, and everything goes pitch black, blacker than the night sky, and I wake up............









" SHUSH! I think she's waking up! Be quiet!"

And then there is silence, and feel many sets of eyes watching me so I slowly open my eyes and I look at them all and say," Why are you all staring at me? Did you know? It's actually quite rude?"

Ana and Jess push through the crowd,and kneel down beside me and say," we were really worried and then you were just singing that 'mama' song like everybody else and then there were tears in your eyes and you just kind of... fainted. Alice are you alright?".

And I sit up and say to them," yes, I am alright actually. I just dreamt about this really WEIRD STUFF. About me being a Russian princess and being kidknapped and brought to England by some group called GMC -Green Moheiken Corp., if you didn't know. So, strange."

" yes, strange. Also, laurel had to go down to medical because she felt sick, we don't blame her really, her face did look grey, almost like she was going to throw up. Let's all hope she's ok.", Ana and Jess say together.

" Where is Nadia?", I say to them.

" oh, she went down with laurel to medical, because she had a migraine, she probably said that to get out of lessons early, lucky thing! Me, Jess and You have to do lessons ALL DAY! Not fair! Lucky Nadia!", Ana says too.

They both give me a hand just as the bell goes for 4th lesson and we go to English together.

Snow (Finished 31/1/2015)Where stories live. Discover now