Chapter Seven

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Floyd sped back over to the clinic, anxious to see Fred and Eileen more than anything. And, he did. He walked through the urgent care's front doors, into a backroom where Fred was busily working on Eileen's wound with minimal supplies; a rag, half of a bottle of disinfectant, a clean scalpel, a bed, gloves and a single swinging bulb for light. Not professional in the slightest, but it'd do fine. 
"Drugged?" Floyd asked, leaning on a wall to observe the operation.
"Of course not. She's been passed out from blood loss ever since we got here. Ya know this, kid."
"..Any blood bags? IVs?" Floyd asked, frantic and nervous.
Fred shook his head with a low sigh. "Lucky for her, didn't hit anythin' important." 
"Oh, and I'm almost done. Took the bullet out, disinfected, stitched..Hand me those." Fred gestured to a gauze bandage wrap laid on a counter top, jars, a sink and paper towels crowded it. Floyd did as told, setting the bandage on the operating table. He felt somewhat uncomfortable, Eileen undressed in only a bra and shorts to make the performance easier. He knew that Fred undressed her himself and the thought made Floyd cringe. Though, he had to be mature in this situation, as many more like this were sure to come.
He looked to Eileen's nightgown propped on the back of the bed, seeing a clear mark on where the bullet had shot through. The gown was stained in blood and gore, and the only thing Floyd could remember was back at the camp when she woke up. She was wanting to go back asleep, but as soon as she heard the noises, she was ready to investigate with him. That's where this all started. In the camp with a few walkers coming towards them. Floyd grabbed her hand and ran, so they took off in mad dash.
"Ahhh." Fred groaned in annoyance, letting out a heavy sigh as he finished wrapping the bandage around her abdomen. 
"What?" Floyd was confused as he turned back, not seeing what he was complaining about.
"Find some painkillers, will ya?" Fred sighed, "She's wakin' up, she'll scream for sure. It'll attract 'em."

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