Chapter Twenty-Three

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Floyd crouched and waited. He picked up a rock and threw it inside the store. As the walkers limped towards it, Floyd struck the nearest one with a back of the knee kick, tripping it. He then aimed for it's head, jamming the his inside. Floyd rotated it a few times, giving it the full effect. He was now aware two others were heading straight for him. He jumped onto the counter, seeing it was the only option.
 As their hands grabbed at him, he stabbed them, running the blade up their arms. It did nothing but make them gush blood from the streaks. He slammed his feet into their chests, watching as they struggled to regain balance. Floyd took this opportunity to send his knees into their foreheads, making them lay down. He pinned one at a time, smashing the blade against their heads as if it was a sledgehammer. 
After the excitement cleared, Floyd gasped to catch his breath, then gagged. He relaxed himself for a moment, standing up as he calmed down. "Okayy, okay." He began talking to himself, opening his backpack. Floyd used the natural light to find what he needed, but the store was empty. Of course it was, the group had everything from it stuffed inside their fridges and cabinets, dumb fuck. After realizing, Floyd smacked his forehead, swearing at himself. If he thought about it sooner, he could've kept his energy and his appetite.
 He left and went back into the hotel, finding everyone else had woken up. First his eyes found Lara, then her parents, Beck and Rosa talking, and lastly Lennon and Thomas playing with action figures. He walked to the fridge, setting the knife and backpack down. Next, he walked to Lara. "Heeyy." He smiled, giving her a wave.
"Hey. What's got you so perked up?" She laughed.
"Nothing. I just went out to get more supplies from the compartment store, then remembered you guys already took advantage of the placement and grabbed everything. I'm a dumbass sometimes." He shrugged, snickering.
"Yeah. We can't stay here long, though, with ten people to watch over supplies runs out pretty quick. Where's Eileen?"
Floyd quickly threw some things together in his mind, making the 'ideal' excuse for her absence. "Uh," He shrugged his shoulders. "Said she was tired, so she's still asleep."
"..Oh, is she okay?" Lara squinted her eyes, looking around the room.
Floyd nodded, licking his lips. "She didn't get much sleep on the way here, heh." He smiled, reassuring her. He wasn't sure if she bought it, but it had to do. 
Lara bobbed her head, "Yeah, I get it. Road trips aren't always the best place to sleep." She laughed, "Say hi for me when she wakes up. You guys are pretty close, aren't ya?"
Floyd copied the motion, "Knew each other since kinder. It's a long story. We were at summer camp, then running through a field, then we found.." He stopped, hanging his head for a moment. "Yeah, long story." He chuckled, "What about you guys?"
"The bus outside isn't ours, just saying that now. If it were my choice, it'd be navy blue," Lara rolled her eyes, "We stole in from a few pot-smokers after they tried to kill Beck, Thomas, Lennon and Dad for being guys. I dunno, they were weirdos, but we're ninjas." She dipped her head and ran behind him in a flash, appearing behind. "Told ya." She giggled at her own joke, "Alright, I'll leave you alone to go check on your girlfriend." She punched his shoulder with a smirk and stopped in her tracks, Floyd asking her a question. 
"Yeah, uh, do you guys have any painkillers?" He asked, turning around to look at her spin around.
"Why? Are you all right?" She frowned, looking up into his gaze.
Floyd nodded, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, just asking for..Further knowledge." He tried to play it off and it might've worked if he didn't give her a cheesy smile.
Lara squinted. "Hmm.." She waved her hand out, pointing to the kitchen cabinet. "There's a whole drawer of pill bottles n' such. Family never really gets sick, so it's the most stocked up thing right now. Take what you need, but remember to replace if you can." She said, then waved a hand, walking to talk with Beck and Rosa. 
Floyd slipped into the kitchen, searching the cabinets for the one with provided pill capsules. He found it, read about twelve pill bottles until he found the one he used when Eileen got shot; aspirin. He stuffed it into his basketball shorts with the rag, lastly grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, wandering back to Eileen. He knocked on the door, hearing a weak reply for him to come in. Floyd did so, shutting and locking the door behind him. 

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