Chapter 1.

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There was a girl, named Lily. She had a dog named Max. Her and Max were like bestfriends. Everywhere Lily went, she took Max. But then Lily had to go to school, and Lily's parents went to work. And Max was at home all alone. Max was lonely, then one hour later.. Max heard footsteps in the attic. Max was barking at the attic then it opened slowly. Then a crowbar flew towards Max, and Max fell down. Half hour later, Lily came home. She called Max over and over. Until she went upstairs. There she seen Max lying down, Lily paniced and called her mom.

Twenty minutes later, Lily kept looking out the window there was no sign of her mom. Lily heard Max whimpering and she heard footsteps in the attic. She called her mom and said ''MOM GET HOME NOW! PLEASE, HURRY!'' Lily hung up and ran to see Max in the living room. She tried to calm Max down. Then 5 minutes later, Lily's mom came. They took Max to the vet. The doctor injected Max with some medicine. And Max fell asleep, for the longest time Lily waiting and hoping for Max to be okay.

One hour later, the doctor came in with the results. ''Max isn't okay, the side of his head, in his skull is kinda cracked''. The doctor said. ''IS HE GOING TO BE OKAY?'' Lily said bursting into tears. Then Lily's mom and the doctor went around the corner and Lily overheard the doctor talking about surgery. Then they went home.

Couple days past, Lily was sitting by the phone, waiting for the call about Max. After many hours, the phone rang. ''Max is okay'' The nurse said to Lily. ''I'll call you in half hour'' ''okay'' Lily said in joy. Then she started to watch tv she started to worry about Max, cause forty five minutes past. Lily started to burst into tears, then she started to think about when the doctor said the word surgery. Lily's mom was cooking some porkchops and potatoes with some corn. Lily wasn't eating, she was only thinking about Max. Then she slowly walked to her room. As she slowly walked up, she heard footsteps in the attic. She looked at the spot where the footsteps were coming from. She walked into her room, then she started to watch some videos on youtube. Then Lily's mom called her to come downstairs. Lily ran downstairs and they went to the vet.

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