Chapter Sixteen

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"Everybody out!" Darach glared at the members of his clan crowding into his bedchamber. He tightened his arms around Caitlin for fear they'd start undressing her. It may be tradition, but it wasn't going to happen to his wife – he'd be the only man seeing her naked.

Drunks, all of them.

Lachlan leaned against the wall by the window with his arm around his leman. Usually the lovers were more circumspect, but like everyone else tonight, they'd imbibed too much. She was an attractive, older woman whose husband had died and children were grown. No one thought ill of her; it was the way of the world. Darach had women he visited in his foster brothers' clans as well.

Used to visit, he corrected. He was married, now, and would have no need of other women. If he could get his wife alone.

He caught Lachlan's eye. "You could bloody well help."

Lachlan grinned. "I would ne'er presume to tell your clan what to do."

Darach could barely hear him over the din, but he knew Lachlan was enjoying this too much to lend a hand.

Edina tugged on his sleeve. "Laird, I should speak to Caitlin alone before...well, you know."

"Nay. She doesn't need your counsel. I'll tell her everything she needs to know."

Caitlin frowned and pinched his arm. "Doona be rude. If Edina wishes to speak to me, I'm happy to do so."

His brow raised. "So she can tell you about lovemaking?"

Caitlin's eyes widened and a flush covered her cheeks. She leaned toward Edina. "I must do as Darach says. He's my husband. Maybe we can talk tomorrow."

"But, Caitlin—"

"Would you have me disobey him?"

"Well nay, but—"

"She'll be fine," Darach said, with a finality that made Edina's mouth flatten.

Caitlin cast him a grateful look. His frustration rose another notch. He wanted her grateful for more than just that. He wanted appreciation in her eyes after he'd touched her all over and she'd come apart in his arms. He wanted her cuddled against him naked in the bed before they fell asleep, he wanted her beside him in the morning when he woke.

Damn it, he wanted it all. Right now.

She let out a surprised squeak as he tossed her on the middle of the bed and leapt onto the foot of it. His head almost touched the ceiling. "Get out, now, or I'll throw the nearest person out the window!" He looked pointedly at Lachlan who laughed. The rest of his clan, however, took his command seriously and backed toward the door.

Edina hovered nearby with her hands clasped. "I thought my husband might have a word with you, Laird. Explain about young women." Oslow stood behind her looking horrified.

"There are things you can do to—" She stopped abruptly when Darach jumped off the bed and marched toward her. Oslow grabbed her arm and pulled her from the room.

Darach slammed the door behind them then turned to Lachlan and his leman. The woman clutched Lachlan's waist in a death grip.

"Get out before I kill you," Darach said. She squeaked and ran to the door. He opened it just far enough for her to pass through.

Lachlan grinned and sauntered toward Caitlin who sat primly on the bed. "Are you all right, love? He didn't hurt you tossing you about like that, did he?"

"Nay, I'm fine. Do you want a cup of ale before you go?"

Darach fisted his hands. What in God's name was she doing?