Chapter 1

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Sierras POV

"Are we going to dinner with Alicia" I asked Louis while looking through my closet. "Yeah" he said his eyes beaming with excitement. Every time anyone ever talked about her his mood always was better. She made him so happy. "I can't wait to meet her" I said pulling out two dress from my closet, one white one black. "Which one" I say showing Louis. "White" he said pointing toward the white long-sleeved dress I had in my hand. "Now I have to change" I say shooing Louis out of my room. I slip into the white dress Louis chose, nude heals, and put a few rings on my fingers. I head into my bathroom and put my brown hair in to a fishtail braid and put on some mascara, eyeliner, and some pink lipstick.

*Alicia's Pov*

I closed my eyes as my lips stayed on my daughter's forehead. People ran in and out trying to revive her. But what good would it do? She's gone.

My dad held me tightly rubbing my back. My mother held onto both me and my dad. Only causing Liam to join in. Soon we were all in a group hug with closed and droopy eyes. "I h-have to tell N-Niall."

"Already taken care of," Liam kissed my head.

"I'm sorry Ms. Payne," the doctor touched my shoulder. I nodded as she walked out. "We'll leave you alone," my mother and father said walking out. I look at Zayn and Liam. They hug my quickly and follow my parents.

Sarah begins to leave but I stop her. "Stay?" I whisper. She smiles and sits by my bed.

"Why did Harry and Niall lie?" I ponder upon my many various thoughts. She shrugs. "Their boys."

"I have to go.. Will you come to dinner with me, Louis, and his sister?" I wipe my eyes. She sighs. "Sure."

Liam agreed to take Lucca for the night. He thought it would be good to get away.

"So what made you want to date Louis?" Sarah asked looking at a peach dress with a fake diamond belt. I pushed it towards her. "I don't know," I giggled. "He's just so funny and sweet."

She nods rapidly and hands me a blue dress with a ruffled torso area. It ended at my knees and suited my body fairly well, for the weight I gained with Lucca and Callie.

We changed fairly quickly and applied light makeup to cover our tired wornout faces.

I put in pearl earrings, tying my hair up into a bun. I helped Sarah french braid her hair.

We slid on our heels and headed to the car.

"Hey, you seem happy when you talk about Louis," Sarah smirked.

*Sierra's Pov*

"Ready" I ask Louis walking into his room wear he's wearing a white t-shirt, a black blazer and black jeans. "Your girlfriend will be here any minute" I said then hearing the door bell then heading down stairs to open it "Hi, you must be Alicia, I'm Sierra" I say shaking her hand. "Hi, can I come in" she asked.

"Sure" I say "Louis will be down in a minute" I say letting her inside along with her friend "Hi I'm Sarahîyyyyl,.''i" Alicia's friend said shaking my hand.

After they both came in then Louis came downstairs, greeted Alicia then we headed to the car.

After 15 minutes in the car we finally got to the restaurant. Italian. Mmh my favorite. We sat at our table and looked at the menu.

*Alicia's Pov*

I slid into the chair in the restaurant. Louis saw my expression, so he quickly grabbed my hand and smiled. I grinned and looked at the menu more. I ordered water, while the others ordered sprite or coke.

I didn't really care for Italian, but then again I didn't care for any food right now.

Louis leaned into my ear and whispered so only I could hear, "Please eat."

I sighed softly and faked a smile at Sierra. "Tell me about yourself," I put down the menu, leaning on my elbows. She went on and told me about her depressing story. I could relate to it in some ways though. I didn't know who Harry's girlfriend Sydney was though.

That bastard.

The chimes of the door went off, causing everyone in the restaurant to look.

Harry, Niall, and a blonde girl with wavy locks.

Sierra smiles ear to ear, excusing herself from the table, only to walk over to Niall, and kiss him. Right there and then. Sarah stared blankly at them. "Well, fuck," Sarah said. The customers turned to her. She shyly slid into her seat. Sierra dragged Niall to the table. I got a couple glares from him. I was introduced to Sydney, and Harry awkwardly stood there along with Niall.

I looked at my water. My pulse racing. Sarah shook her head the whole time.

"Excuse me," I got up and ran quickly to the bathroom, sliding off my shoes. A girl came behind me, I turned around to see Sierra. "What's wr- Alicia.. I'm so sorry."

I threw my heel across the room. It slammed into the door. "Those bastards lied! Not only to me, to you and Sydney! Niall is lying to you, Sierra. I'm sorry."

*Sierra's Pov*

I come out of the bathroom but left Alicia behind I just couldn't handle all the lies and drama. I grab my clutch and head outside. I put my back up against the car and lit a cigarette. Then Sydney came outside "I didn't know you smoked" she said standing next to me "I don't do it very often" I say then taking another puff.


OMG!!! FIRST CHAPPIE ~@dancer4thelife

SOOOO EXCITED!!!$/&8!.!. -@gapper4thelife



( dancer4thelife & gapper4thelife )

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