Chapter 2

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*Alicia's Pov*

"Why'd you act like that, Ali? You on your period?" Sarah chuckled. I rolled my eyes picking up my shoe and walking back over to the table. I grabbed my purse and left money with Louis for the bill. He wasn't buying it.

"Alicia, what's wrong?" Louis gently held my arm. I pulled away, running outside past Sierra and Sydney.

Sarah followed not far behind. "Damn! You're fast in heels," Sarah huffed catching up to me at the bus stop.

Sierras POV

"Why the fuck was Alicia running" I ask Louis as he ran out of the restaurant. "No idea" Louis said running in the same direction as Alicia did as I followed. We finally reach Alicia as we see her crying at the bus stop. What?

"Babe, what's wrong" Louis asked hugging his girlfriend.

"G-Go away! All of you!" She repeated over and over. Whats her problem? Louis nodded as he let her cool down. We walked back to the restaurant and paid the check. We all got our stuff and left back to where Alicia was. She had finally stopped crying and we left back Louis and my flat, where we'd continue packing. Louis would be moving into a flat and I will be moving into my own flat... I'm going on my own. It felt like yesterday, I was being raped. Then.. Showing up on his doorstep. He took me in. And I loved him for that.

*Alicia's Pov*

"Lucca, come here," I laughed, as my two year old ran around with underwear on his head. "Noo!" He pouted, hoping onto the island chair in the kitchen. I quickly grabbed the underwear as the doorbell rang. Lucca's eyes shut tightly with a big frown on his lips. I rolled my eyes, opening the door. Louis stood on my front porch with a sly smile. His bags were on the stairs and Sierra drove the car, slowly down the street. She waved goodbye as I exchanged the gesture.

Louis pulled me into a deep kiss, but I pulled away in the moment. "Not now," I winked, walking into the kitchen, finding Lucca was gone. I sighed, looking in the hallway. Louis stepped in shaking his head. As I looked over tiny footsteps sounded behind me. "I don't want to meet him."

Lucca's lip quivered. "Come here baby boy." I picked him up walking to Louis.

My son buried his face in my neck, but Louis didn't take it. He began to tickle Lucca.

Lucca squirmed in my arms. "St-stop!" Lucca laughed.

"Feisty. Like your momma." Louis smirked.

"I no know you..." Lucca mumbled. "I'm Louis," my boyfriend crossed his eyes, making Lucca laugh more. "Do you like cars?" Lucca nodded rapidly. "Wanna go play with them?" Louis's eyebrow raised as Lucca jumped from my arms running down the hall. "I take that as a yes," I spoke quietly, giggling.

Louis chuckled, "Guess so." He said, as he ran after Lucca. I could here muffled laughs and happy screams. I smiled, and began to clean the kitchen. After about thirty minutes, Louis came out yawning. "Where's Lucca?" I asked, standing on my tippy toes to reach a cup. Louis grabbed it and smirked. "He fell asleep." He whispered, putting down the cup and placing his hands on my hips. "What'd you do?" I questioned again.

"We played cars.. And he was superman and I was captured by aliens. He's got an imagination. And he doesn't look like Niall." He frowned slightly, biting his bottom lip. I furrowed my eyebrows, stepping away from him. "Goodnight Louis." I said walking to my room.

Louis POV

I followed Alicia into our room as gently grabbed her arm. "Hey, look I'm sorry, I know you don't like to talk about it" I whispered pulling her close to me as I then gently kissed her lips. Once I stopped, she smiled.

"I'm gonna go make some tea, want some" she said as she walked back to the kitchen. While she was gone I grabbed on of my bags and changed into a pair of pajama bottoms and the joined Alicia in the kitchen.

"You look hot" Alicia winked as she looked at my abs for a moment then the two cups of tea.

"You don't look so bad yourself Ms I could be a international model" I said complimenting her.

She laughed, handing me my tea. "I am a model," She corrected me. I stepped back holding a hand in surrender. "Sooooorry." I chuckled, walking over to the couch. She followed with her tea steaming in her hands. "How do you like Lucca?" Alicia asked, a smile curling on her lips. "He's really adorable.." I tried to switch the topic quickly. I wanted to know his father.

I felt bad, the poor kid doesn't know his father, but then again he's been with Alicia for so long he probably doesn't even think he has one. I yawn, "Wanna paint the flat tomorrow" I asked as I sipped my tea.

"Sure" she said as she yawned.

"Do you wanna go to sleep, you seem tired" I said as Alicia nodded. We walk to our room and both laid down as I wrapped my arms around. We both drifted asleep..

I woke up to the feeling where my arms weren't wrapped around Alicia. I looked around the room to see where she was, I then heard her in the kitchen talking to Lucca. I tried to listen in.

"Do you like Louis" Alicia asked her son as she served him breakfast.

"A little, but did he leave after we stopped playing" Lucca asked as he bit into his waffle.

"No, he's gonna live here with us, remember I told you" Alicia said as she sat down next to Lucca.

"Where is he gonna sleep, over there" Lucca asked pointed towards the couch.

"No, he's gonna sleep with mommy in her bed" Alicia answered.

"But I thought only mommy's and daddy's did that, and Louis isn't my daddy" Lucca said.

"I don't know if he is" Alicia said.

"Can you look for him, I really want someone to play cars with me all" Lucca said.

"I'll look" Alicia said, "Now, go wake Louis up". I slid back into bed and pretended to sleep as Lucca jumped on top of me. I 'woke up' and then started tickling him as he laughed uncontrollably.

Alicia peeked her head in signaling me to stop. Lucca looked at his mother and laughed. She smiled warmly at him, coming over to him and picking him up.

"You two should go paint the extra room." Alicia smirked, kissing Lucca's head.

"Yeah! Can we, Louis?" Lucca looked at me, excitement grew in his dark blue eyes. "Sure!" I said, rolling out of bed. Alicia nodded and set Lucca down and left for the kitchen, while Lucca ran down the hall to the room. The paper was already down and the tape was covering the window sides.

The light salmon paint sat in the bucket on the floor. Lucca covered his mouth as he saw Alicia walk in with water and popcorn. She placed it on the floor and waved goodbye.

"Let's paint my room first!" Lucca shouted running across the hall. I chuckled and followed him and saw the green paint already out. He grabbed the brush and began to do big strokes on the wall.

"Lucca, tell me what you like," I said picking up a brush. "Cars!" He gasped, jumping up to try and paint the top. "You know what I like?" I stopped painting and set the brush down. "What?"

"Superman!" I yelled, picking him up and flying him around.

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