Chapter: 9

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"Hey, you want to practice a little longer?" Hinata asked, "I think the new quick could use some work."

Kageyama nodded as he put his bottle of water down and started heading towards the volleyball court. "HEY WAIT-" Daichi said as he dragged Kageyama and Hinata back, "You guys are done for today, rest up because tomorrow we have a strict training session. So get your stuff and go home."

"But I have too much energy!" Hinata whined and Kageyama just simply nodded.

"Then save it for tomorrow, because you're gonna need it." Daichi explained as he started packing up.

"Fine..." Hinata said, clearly upset. They packed up and started heading out.

"Don't forget about our date tomorrow." Kageyama informed Hinata.

"Oh yeah when is it again?" Hinata said as he yawned.

"It's at 11am" Kageyama said as he looked at Hinata, "And please don't be late."

"When have I ever been late?!" Hinata shouted so loud that people were yelling at him to shut up.

"You are either late or too early, and to all of our dates." Kageyama said nonchalantly.

"You know what!" Hinata shouted again.

"What?" Kageyama laughed at his partner.

"I'm going to show up on time! I'm going to be at your house at exactly 11!" Hinata yelled (again).

Kageyama laughed and said, "Ok, ok, I'm sorry if I upset you. But it's true though..."

"Well, this time is different." Hinata said as he dramatically looked up at the sky with his fist in the air.

Kageyama laughed at his expression and pushed him lightly, "It's ok! Jesus you don't have to make a scene!"

"I just want you to know that I will show up on time!" Hinata as he jumped up in the air, "Let's race to the end of the road!" He started to run.

"THAT'S NO FAIR! YOU CAN'T GET A HEADSTART!" Kageyama shouted as he chased after him.

~Time skip to Kageyama's house at 10:30am~

"Ok I set up our lazy date!" Kageyama thought to himself, "I just hope he'll make it on time..."

"Who the hell is calling me at this time?" Kageyama said to himself out loud as he picks up the phone.

"Hey Kageyama, sorry I might be a little...late..." Hinata said through the phone as if he was bracing himself for something that will happen.

"Why!?" Kageyama shouted in a furious tone.

"I'm so so so sorry but I had to take care of Natsu and I also may have over slept... and I also ... may have forgotten to pack to come over... I'm so sorry!" Hinata explained.

"Seriously?" Kageyama said clearly angry and uspset.

"Yeah, I made her cereal and she spilled it all over her clothing! So I had to help her get changed and then I had to clean up the mess." Hinata explained, "But I actually might make it over in time! It's 10:45 now so I could just run over. And I'm running over now so I will make it in time!"

"Ok just please be careful Hinata, sometimes you can get reckless." Kageyama said in a worried tone.

"Ok mom, jeez" Hinata laughed.

"I am not your mom! Whatever, I'll see you soon. I love you." Kageyama said.

"Ok see ya soon, I lov-" Hinata's sentence got cut off.

"That's weird. Hinata might have forgotten to charge his phone too, that idiot." Kageyama giggled to himself, "Well it's 11 now so he'll probably be here soon."

~Thirty minutes passed~

"Where the hell is he?" Kageyama thought to himself, "My house isn't even that far from his."

~An hour passed~

"Seriously, if he got lost I'm going to hurt him." Kageyama thought as he started walking out outside to see where Hinata was.

After a few minutes Kageyama saw a boxed area where there were police officers and an ambulance. Hinata's mom was talking to one of the officers.




"Is Hinata...dead?"

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