Chapter: 13

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(Hinata's POV)

Two months has passed and I have been cleared to play volleyball again. Kageyama has been over protective of me for the entire time and it gets annoying, he even goes to the bathroom with me, it's very creepy because he just waits next to me until I'm done.

The last lesson is over, finally, and that means... VOLLEYBALL PRACTICE!!!!!! I began to run out the door towards the gym, but right when I stepped outside Kageyama stopped me.

"What are you doing?! We have to go to practice!" I screamed at Kageyama, but he just looked like his old grumpy self, "Or do you want to race there?" right when I said that I saw him slightly smirk and he started walking backwards.

"See you later, slowpoke" Kageyama started sprinting through the hallways

"HEY WAIT YOU'RE THE SLOWPOKE!!" I chased after him until I caught up to him. In a matter of minutes we're at the door, both of us are trying to enter at the same time yelling at each other.





"CAN THE BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!" I heard Daichi yell at us. We both compiled to his command and we both entered the room as I hid behind Kageyama.

"He woke up on the wrong side of the bed..." I whispered to Kageyama as he nodded.

"What did you say?" Daichi turned to us with an angry expression.

"N-NOTHING C-CAPTAIN" I got so scared I could barely manage to say that.

"Gather around!" Coach said to get our attention. Everyone sat in a semi-circle around sensei and coach Ukai.

"Today we are going to practice with teams and tomorrow we are going to have a very difficult and long practice." Coach and Sensei smiled widely and it kinda creeped me out. I looked around at everyone and they were smiling too – except Tsukishima though- and Kageyama was blushing like crazy. This was kinda suspicious.

"What kind of practice are we doing tomorrow?" I asked because I was curious why everyone was smiling, they probably know something I don't.

"You know practice as usual but just longer" Coach said as he snickered at the end of his sentence. Everyone else's smiles just grew larger.

"What's going on? Are you sure we have practice?" I asked because this was a weird situation.

"Nothing is 'going on' Hinata we have practice tomorrow, do you not trust your own coach?" Coach said as he looked offended, and a couple of people started laughing, I didn't mean to offend Coach Ukai!

"I DIDN'T MEAN TO OFFEND YOU COACH!" I bowed down and kept apologizing.

"Ha ha it's ok Hinata! NOW GET ON THE COURT!" He yelled at me as everyone was already on the court.

My team was me, Kageyama, Tanaka, Ennoshita, Narita, and Kinoshita. The other team was Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Noya-senpai, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi was first server. Once he served the ball came directly to me. The ball was too high to do a 'low' receive but too low to do a toss receive. The ball was about to hit my face – and I was prepared for it to hit me – but Kageyama hit the ball high enough for someone else to receive it.

"Sorry, cover!" He yelled to the rest of our team. To be honest I wanted the ball to hit my face. It kinda pisses me off that Kageyama is protecting me so much that he can't spare a little hit on me. I want to get injured just because of him.

I shook off those thoughts because we're in the middle of a game.

~Time skip to the end of practice~

"Kageyama why did you receive the ball that was about to hit my face?" I said, a little pissed off.

"Which time?"

"Every time"

"I don't want you to get injured."



"I said 'stop' Kageyama"

"Wait why?"

"It just pisses me off how protective you've been! Ok I get it, you want me to be ok and you're just looking out for me but you've gone a little far ok"

"Ok, I'm sorry"

"..." I was so confused, "...wait what?"

"I said 'I'm sorry', I'll be less protective, but do you remember the last time I wasn't that protective?"

"What are you talking about?" I am so confused

"Hinata, you got in a car accident, unless you forgot about that?"

Oh, he has a point. When the hell did he get a smart mouth?

"..." I just remained silent, everyone in the gym just stared at the both of us.

"That's why Hinata"


I so pissed that he has a point like WHAT THE FUCK! THAT'S NOT EVEN FAIR! I tried to calm down but it's not working as I start squeeze the volleyball I was holding.

"Anyway you boys don't forget that we have a special par- PRACTICE tomorrow" Coach said, suspiciously again.

I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow...


Comment what you think is going to happen! ;))

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