Chapter: 16

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HEY HEY HEY! I know I sound like a broken record by always saying, "Sorry I was busy!" but I'm actually really sorry! I'm on Spring Break now and I was planning to upload a new chapter this Sunday for like an Easter special type of thing?????

I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Hinata was sitting at a table eating the meat buns quickly. "OI BE CAREFUL YOU MIGHT CHOKE DUMBASS!"

Hinata whipped his head toward Kageyama and started choking. "WHAT—WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!?!" Kageyama started panicking as Hinata recovered from his little 'choking' fit.


"Just say shit"






"YOU GUYS CAN KEEP YOUR OPINIONS TO YOURSELF! GEEZ!" Ukai interrupted their argument, "Anyway, let's move on to the presents, okay?" Hinata and Kageyama just nodded their head and Kageyama sat next to Hinata.

The rest of the volleyball team sat down at the table and Ukai grabbed a present and handed to the two, "This one is from sensei and me."

Kageyama took the present and placed the card to the side, "We'll read the cards later together." Hinata excitedly grabbed the box and shouted, "THANK YOU! YOU GUYS DIDN'T HAVE TO GET US ANY PRESENTS!"

"It's ok, we wanted to get presents for you two!" Suga said

"THANK YOU!" Hinata shouted with a goofy grin.

"Thank you" Kageyama said as he smiled genuinely. The entire volleyball team frozen at what they were seeing.

It was Kageyama's genuine smile. They thought that they were never going to see the day where this happens. Hinata was used to Kageyama's cute genuine smile so he sat there confused as to why everyone was looking at Kageyama.

"Oi, Bakayama, why are they staring at you like that." Hinata whispered to Kageyama.

"I don't kno—WAIT! DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Kageyama turned to Hinata with an annoyed expression of his face.

All of a sudden tears shot out of Daichi's, Suga's, Asahi's, Tanaka's, and Nishinoya's eyes.

"OH MY GOODNESS" Suga said out of pure shock.

"You actually- looked- normal- smiling- THAT'S A BIG ACHIEVEMENT KAGEYAMA" Daichi said in between sniffles.

"I never thought I'd live to see the day..."Asahi mumbled

"KAGEYAMA!" Tanaka and Nishinoya shouted as they hugged him.

"But that's his normal smile?" Hinata said in confusion and cocked his head to the right a little.

"WHAT?!" Everyone (beside Tsukki) shouted.

"Anyway can we open this present now? Or do you want us to open it privately?" Kageyama said nonchalantly.

"Y-you can open it now." Ukai said a little shocked at what just happened.

Hinata opened the box and pulled out a book titled, "How to Be a Good Husband" and another book titled, "Damn You Love Birds (Oops Sorry I Mean Congrats)".

Hinata laughed his ass off as Kageyama chuckled and took the first book and handed it to Hinata and said, "I think you need this book more than me." And then Kageyama started laughing his ass off as Hinata blushed and pretended to be mad and Kageyama's actions. The entire team laughed at their little fight.

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