So, this happened today...

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So, in class, we have this assignment to create a food product for a target audience. My friend, Sidrah, was thinking of an adgitive for S, and she came up with Sleepy Strawberry. This was the conversation that followed...

Bravien: Sleepy Strawberry?

Nahin: Wait, that sounds like some sort of drug.

Me: Whoa, think about it, though. Like, a drug infused fruit.

Tresten: Oh my gosh it does.

Bravien: Marijuana Mango.

Me: Marijuana Mango, what?!

Bravien: Yeah, Weed Watermelon?

Tresten: Coke Carrot or something...

Me: No, like, going up to someone and being like, "Yo, you got the Sleepy Strawberries?"

Sidrah: *silently judging*

This. THIS is the people I have to deal with. This was a completely true scene, too, you have no idea how hilarious this was at the moment.

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