Mochi Kiss

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So here's the cute date with Kakashi and Mika! Enjoy!





Edited July 19, 2016

The warm breeze blew through the Leaf, bringing with it the sweet smell of spring. Many children were playing in the streets and alleyways with one another. A mother chided their children for accidentally knocking down a shop owners sign while the other kids snickered. A father held his toddler on his shoulders which made the girl squeal with happiness. People all over the village were enjoying the beautiful spring evening. The sky was a brilliant orange from the setting sun.

Two ninja walked hand in hand through the streets, content with each others presence. The woman would stop occasionally to look at trinkets or comment on a bouquet of flowers but the man did not mind at all. He liked the girls curious nature. The way her face became concentrated when she examined something new or was told new information. It was like she turned into a different person when presented with something new.

A voice broke through the mans thoughts and he looked down at the woman holding a figurine of a dog.

"Doesn't this look like your ninja canine, Pakkun?"

Kakashi smiled and nodded, his hair moving with each nod.

"It does bear quite the resemblance."

Mika, the woman who had caught his eye, grinned brightly and exchanged a few words with the man who carved figurines as a hobby. She handed him some change and he thanked her.

Kakashi inclined his head toward the figurine as she came near. "You didn't buy that for me did you?"

With a nod, Mika handed him the trinket. He took it from her hand gently and placed it in the breast pocket of his green jacket. He smiled at the woman as he took her hand once more.

"Thank you for that Mika. I love it."

He could see a faint blush forming on her cheeks.

"You're welcome Kakashi."

The two spoke of little things after that. Kakashi and his rivalry with Guy, Mika and her sewing. It wasn't until Kakashi had stopped walking did the conversation stop. He looked up at the parlor, as did Mika.

"Ice cream as promised." The Copy Ninja spoke the words with a chuckle. He opened the door for the woman, following her inside. The parlor was somewhere he rarely went but thought would be a nice treat for Mika and himself. They sat at the bar and Mika was amazed at the different flavors they had. There were tubs of ice cream aligned neatly on the opposite side of the bar. In a glass container placed near the far left of the bar was the freshly made mochi.

"What are you gonna get Kakashi?" After thinking for a second he answered.

"Probably green tea mochi. What about you?"

"The pineapple mochi looks yummy." Mika smiled softly at Kakashi which he returned. The owner came from the kitchen, an elderly man, and took their order. He handed the two their mochi with a kind smile, then returned to the kitchen where he was preparing to make another batch of ice cream.

Kakashi of course didn't let Mika see under his mask as he ate the smooth confection. It had really been a long time since he ate ice cream. He wasn't one for sweets in the first place but he decided it would be worth it for her. He looked over at her and saw her eyes closed in complete bliss. She was enjoying the mochi greatly.

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