A Pleasant Night

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"Past conversations"


Edited July 19, 2016

As the sun set further in the sky, stars began to shine through the layer of clouds. Animals everywhere either got ready for the night or just began to wake, on the prowl for dinner. Three adults sat in an empty classroom of the Ninja Academy, a lesson taking place. Mika fought to keep her eyes open as Shizune and a man named Iruka went over various Shinobi topics. A ninjas way, who founded The Village Hidden in the Leaves, the various wars and battles that had taken place and much more. She learned the different uses for jutsus and even a little about chakra and what it was used for. She knew some stuff about chakra but not enough to apply it to use.

The sleepy woman feigned interest as Iruka demonstrated his Substitution Jutsu, taking note of the hand signs. All she wanted to do was find a place to stay for the night before going apartment hunting in the morning as instructed by Tsunade. She remembered her words from a few hours ago.

"I am very glad to see you want to become a Shinobi, Mika. Before the day is over, I'd like for you to sit with Shizune and Iruka to go over the basics of the ninja world and the villages history. It shouldn't take more than a few hours. Iruka will let you stay in his home tonight and you both must be here tomorrow afternoon to determine your abilities as well as your standing as a ninja. In the morning, go with Iruka to find a suitable home for you."

After a few words having been exchanged between Guy and Tsunade, the man Mika assumed to be Iruka entered the room. He was a handsome young man, around her age or older, with a large scar over his nose. She paid it no mind however and deemed him to be quite kind and respectful.

Almost three hours later and the three were still going over chakra. Mika tried to hold back a yawn but failed miserably, her hand covering her mouth as she yawned loudly and involuntarily stretched her legs.

Shizune stopped in her lesson, giving Mika a kind smile. "How about we continue this another day? I'm sure Miss Sokame would like to get some sleep and probably something to eat."

At the mention of food, said womans stomach rumbled loudly for the three adults to hear. Light laughs sounded from the three and Mika realized that it had been a while since she had eaten. She nodded lightly and stood.

"I am very hungry actually." She said, her voice tinged with sleepiness. The walk to the village had taken almost all her energy and it took everything in her to stay awake.

"I'll treat you to dinner." Iruka spoke up from his place next to Shizune. He looked at the black haired woman and smiled. "Would you like to join us Shizune?"

She politely shook her head no and gestured to the door. "I have to file some paperwork for Lady Tsunade, the lazy woman." Her words were spoken with a giggle. Mika was taken aback by her words. How could she speak about the Hokage like that?

Iruka just waved her off, saying his goodbyes. Mika shook Shizunes hand as she left, promising to study the material they went over thoroughly.

Iruka turned to Mika, his hand placed on his hip, offering his arm to the woman. She giggled at his stance before hooking her arm through his and leaving the Academy. Guy had taken her pack and took it to Irukas home so she didn't have to worry about carrying the heavy thing around. As they walked, they spoke of some of the students he had taught.

"So Naruto, this little menace and a pain in my side for so long, actually stood up against the Sands Jinchuriki, Gaara and won! After all the trouble he's caused for the village, he stepped up and proved everyone wrong." The words were said with so much love and admiration for the boy that Mika could feel her heart swell. Iruka really cared for all his students like they were his own kids, but he had a special place just for Naruto.

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