How We Met

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Tiffany looked at her phone as she got on the school bus.Her friend Seungyeon was texting her stating that a new boy has joined the class.

SeungyeonBob21:Fany a new boy has joined~ OMO! I wonder what he look like tehe.

PinkTiffanyPrince:How'd U get the news???

SeungyeonBob21:I got it from Jessica.And she got it from the teachers.

SeungyeonBob21:Hey Fany.I got a question!


SeungyeonBob21:Why do the boys fall 4 u???Lik seriously!

PinkTiffanyPrince:Dunno.Ask my genes.


When the bus stopped at the school.Boys all looked directly at Tiffany as she got up.All the girls stared at her with envy.Some were jealous.


Luhan looks at the principal who was checking his data.Then the principal said,"So Lu Han.You will be in class 2C.Wait....Do you fluently speak Korean?"Luhan nodded while smiling.The principal said,"Good! So do you know where your class is?"Luhan said,"No.I'm sorry."The principal said while looking around,"No it's not a issue.Lu Han,it's your first day. Why the hell-Sorry-heck should I care?I will get Judy on it."


Seungyeon and Tiffany sat down at their desk in the middle of the class.Then Chanyeol walked by and smiled,"Good morning Tiffany.H-how are you?"As Tiffany was about to reply,Jessica walks by and said,"Chanyeol shoo shoo! Don't you have Baekhyun to make out with?"Chanyeol turned red and started to walk away to Baekhyun.Seungyeon laughed,"Jeez Jessica! You are so mean! Haha."Tiffany giggled,"True."Jessica smiled at the two and sat in front of Tiffany.Jessica then said,"Seungyeon when are you leaving?"Seungyeon replied while playing with her hair,"Saturday."Tiffany said,"Ahhh jeez! Can't believe we have only 2 more days together,as friends.."Jessica nodded,"Yeah.Seungyeon promise to call us twice a hour."Tiffany & Seungyeon then started to laugh.

Then the teacher walks into the class with a very girly looking boy behind him.The girls then started to blush and a few were giving death stares to Tiffany.

"Everyone please meet our new student Lu Han.Please respect him and treat him nicely."Mr.SooMan said while Luhan was staring at the floor.



"Luhan!! When's your birthday?" "Luhan do you think I'm pretty." "Luhan HAVE MY CHILDREN." said many fan girls.

Tiffany,Jessica,& Seungyeon was siting by the crazy girls with Luhan.Seungyeon said,"Guys I'm going to talk to SooMan,excuse me~"Tiffany nodded while trying to spot Luhan.Jessica said,"Yah,Fany do you like Luhan?"Tiffany blushed and said,"He looks attractive."Jessica smiled at Tiffany and said,"That's nice to know."

Luhan tried to answer to the questions the girls are asking but he couldn't be heard.Then he felt someone grabbing him and was protecting him like a bodyguard.The fan girls screaming stops and they all glare at the person.Luhan looked at the person who saved him and saw it was a guy.The guy said,"Dude are you okay?"Luhan nodded,"Ye-yeah."The two stared at each other and one of Luhan's fan girl shouted,"I SHIP IT!"Then all the girls started to scream.

Then a loud yell was heard.

"YAH! Shut up!!!! I can't even hear my thoughts!"

Luhan looked at the person who shouted and saw Tiffany.He then blushed and the guy who saved him ran away.Luhan felt his heart beating so fast

"Do I have tachycardia or I fallen in love?"

All the girls stop screaming for a nice 21 seconds then one of them 'Sooyoung' shouted,"SHE HURT LUHAN'S FEELINGS!"Then another,'Yoona' ran towards Luhan and hugged him.Luhan then said,"I.......I want to go to the bathroom,alone."



SeungyeonBob21:Hey gurls

IceQueenJess:Hey Seungyeon❤️

PinkTiffanyPrince:Hey Seungyeon~_~

SeungyeonBob21:I'm leaving in two minutes!!

IceQueenJess:Seungyeon remember us when you become famous!

SeungyeonBob21:Jessica I'd will remember you,even if I get amnesia.

IceQueenJess:Haha Seungyeon

PinkTiffanyPrince:Seungyeon promise you will always talk about me and Jessica!

IceQueenJess:Yes! Talk about ussss!

SeungyeonBob21:Sure guys ^__^

SeungyeonBob21:Guys.Srry I had to leave.Lets remember our 13 year long friendship.

SeungyeonBob21:And guys don't forget about me either.

PinkTiffanyPrince:We promise! Seungyeon we love you.

IceQueenJess:Can't believe you are moving LA! Oh my goddddd.

SeungyeonBob21:I know right?

PinkTiffanyPrince:Please....REMEMBER my English lessons!

SeungyeonBob21:Okay!Gtg,love you Jessica Jung and Tiffany(Stephanie) Hwang.

IceQueenJess:Love u 2

PinkTiffanyPrince:Love u 3


Luhan smiled at his mirror.Then he looked out his window and saw the guy who saved him.Turns out his name is Xiumin and two have been chatting.



Jessica said while getting ready for class,"Can't believe Seungyeon actually left us."Tiffany said,"I know.America better be good to her!"Jessica giggled.Then Luhan walks into class and sat next to Tiffany.Jessica then said,"Uh...Lu Hen-"Tiffany said,"It's Luhan."Jessica said,"Sorry Lu Van-Han! Luhan why are you sitting next to her?"Luhan said,"I want to sit next to a beauty."Tiffany smiled,"Thanks."Then Chanyeol walks by and winks at Tiffany,"Hi T!"Jessica said,"Chanyeol quit flirting with T.T does not want you- wait you are talking to Tiffany? Oops!"Chanyeol turned red and ran to Beakhyun.Luhan giggled and Tiffany smiled at him again.

Luhan said,"Um Tiffany do you have a KTalk?"(KTalk is a fake texting system I made haha) Tiffany nodded and said,"It's PinkTiffanyPrince."Luhan smiled,"Thanks!"




PinkTiffanyPrince:Hey Luhan.


PinkTiffanyPrince:Nothing.How about you?


LULUWITHBABYFACE:Hey Tif I like this girl.And she is so perfect! How do I confess to her?

PinkTiffanyPrince:Just ask her out.I also have this crush on this guy.He


PinkTiffanyPrince:It's you.

LULUWITHBABYFACE:It's also you....


Hey guys~


I am planning to make a series out of this actually.Vote if you agree! When I get 3 or more votes/comments I will continue the story!

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