Chapter One

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Walking out of school with Mary beside me. The guys are all staring at us. I loved being the center of attention. I hopped into the passenger seat of Mary's new Nissan Skyline. She had just turned 16 but hasn't found her mate.
"Wanna go to the mall?" I asked her while giving her the puppy dog eyes.
"I wanted to go home though" she pouted. I glared at her
"P-Please?" Making the e last.
"Fine!" She answered with a annoyed tone. I always got my way.

We made small chat for the moment we left school to arrival at the mall. As soon as I had gotten out the car and turn to tell Mary something I heard a slight whisper. 'MATE' and then the next thing I knew; she was pinned to car and having a make out session with a random guy that we have never seen before. She was giggling to every up line he used. It made me want to puke though i have to  admit I was jealous.

I walked into the mall and instantly got bored. It was so boring being single without Mary, we used to do all kinds of fun things at the mall like picking on the ugly guys and wolf whistling at the hotties around town. But now it like none of those matter it was a sign that I need to grow up. I decided to escape this joint.

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I just got home, walking up to the front door letting out a big sigh. I hated my home life as i was the only daughter in my family along with my brothers. Opening the door and instant scream ringed in my ears.
"Where the hell have you been young lady?"Mum look mad... I hated it i couldnt even go out for like 5 minutes without someone screaming in my face. Overprotective pricks. 
"I was at the mall with Mary until she found her "mate"..... and got lovey dovey with him so i left."i simple explained to her but her facial expressions didnt budge.
"So, you are telling me that you walked all the way home from the mall all by YOURSELF"Gosh here we go again with the yelling. blah blah blah blah blah.

As she was still yelling her little lucture at me i simple walked off to my room.
"Don't you walk away from me young lady i havent finished with you!!"At this point i couldnt give a flying fuck!
"Your grounded Young lady"She screamed as i slammed my door shut and locked it.
"Never stopped me before..."i mummbled to myself.

Our house was huge like 8 bedrooms and the other rooms were game rooms library etc etc... As the only female child i got the bigest room between kids. I told my parents straight up when they were designing this house that i didnt want a pink or purple room and guess what it took three weeks before they actually let me have the colour room i wanted, they always have a soft spot for me. Giggle. I glanced at the time it was 6:50pm i decided to take a shower. 

--- 20 minutes later ---

"Jasmine , Dinner is ready!"I knew that voice anywhere it was dad. i loved my father way more than my mother, he was so pushy and he is training me to prepare for my shift, apparently it is the worst shift you have. The againsting of your bones and the stretching of the skin to fix the muscle to hold the beautiful creature is in us all, welll except human that is.
Racing down the stairs to be suddenly tackled my older brother Paul.
"Paul, please get off me im not in the mood for this!" as strammbled under his heavy grasp. He left me go, finally. I had 3 brothers 2 older and 1 younger, Paul was the second oldest my oldest brother is Max he has gone to Alpha in his mates pack which is somewhere in south america. My youngest which is james, he was only 10 and has just been told about the werewolf thing. and i must admit he thinks that is so awesome that he tries and shift everyday how my father said it would happen.

I reached the dinning table, i felt my mother stare she was still upset about the fight earlier. Gosh i walked home no big deal FUCK its only a 30 minute walk. We ate our food in silence, they always did this when I do something that either my mother or father didnt like it annoys the fuck out of me. 

--- 15 minutes later ---

"Night daddy"i kissed his cheek. I didnt say anything to my mother and she knew why. My father growled at my mother she must of said something thought the mind link. I ingored that and just went to my room. I flopped onto my bed and welcome blackness of sleep to arrive.


Im so sorry if there is any misstakes and please be nice it my first book :D

I reedited my book so you might wait to re read this chappter SORRY


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