Chapter Four

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"Hello?" Liam's voice sounded uncertain. I watch as is facial expressions change. I attempt to hear the person on the other end. 'Hey baby did you want to go out tonight?' I was shocked at what I have just heard, I looked at Liam funny. I didn't care I walked into the bathroom but I opened the walk in rob, Liam laughed at me.
"The other door dear" I gave him a smirk and walked in and shut the door. Why was that girl calling? I was confused. I stripped and grabbed a towel and turn the shower on. I was humming when I heard a faint knock on the door.
"YES!" I shouted.
"Can I come in?" I sighed should I or shouldn't I. But he has never seen me naked before......
"Don't be shy baby" I realized that he was in the bathroom all ready and was hopping in the shower with me, I was really shy about my body. I attempted to cover most of my body by facing my front towards the wall.
"Jasmine, jas, jassy baby.. can you face me please?" He asked so nicely but I don't know if I wanted him to see my body. I felt him holding my waist and spinning me around to face him. Our bodies pressed together I could feel is member hardening against my thigh. I bit down on my lip.
"You don't need to hide yourself around me, either way I'm going to see you naked" I turn to finish my shower. I hopped out and wrapped myself in a towel. I walked out to the bedroom to realize I don't know where my duffel bag is.. I looked around nope I cant see it.
"Liam, Where is my duffel bag?" he didn't respond
"Liam?" I walked into the bathroom and he was leaning his head on the wall.
"Liam, are you ok?" turn his head and stared at me. I grabbed a towel and held it out for him and he stepped out, he looked upset.
"What's wrong?"
"I have to take you back, My beta just said that your brother Paul is around the area that you were found. I don't want you to leave." He hugged me, he lifted me up and walked into the bedroom. We were kissing. He slowly kissing down my jaw line.
"Liam and want you to mark me but not now." He kept kissing the spot that he was planning on marking me. We got up and he past my duffel bag.

--------------- 2 Months later -----------------------------

My father and Liam have made a deal finally, every school holidays I would stay at Liam's and once I finish school I will move in with him at the Pack House. I was going to be the new Luna of the Blood Dawn Pack. Oh and its 1 week 2 days 5hours and 23 minutes until my birthday and I'm not even counting. I had to go to school it was Thursday which means I have math's; science; art; gym. Yay!

My phone went off I ran towards it I knew it was Liam because I personalized it to America idiot. I giggled when I answered the phone.
"Sup baby?"
"Morning Princess, I'm on my way"
"Okie, Seen you soon" Putting my phone down and rushing to get dressed, I ended up wearing blue tie dyed jeans with a white blouse and my blue high tops. My hair is in a messy bun. I grabbed my bag and phone and headed down stairs. I kissed my dad on the cheek good bye. Just as I walked towards the door I smelt him, the apple and vanilla. I took a deep breathe in. I smiled madly and opened the door.
"Hey handsome"
"Gosh who is this beautiful girl in front of me." he chuckled and leaned in for a kiss. We had a mini make out session.
"Jasmine School NOW!!" we both stopped kissing and I sighed dad still didn't like Liam but he will get over it. We hopped into his car.
"I don't want to go school today, Liam can I hung out with you please?" he had a soft spot for my puppy eyes.
"I don't think your dad would like that....." he said as we pulled out of the drive-way. I sighed.
"Oh come on Jas you know you have to go school." I just looked out the window and sobbed. I closed my eyes for a second and next thing I knew we were hit by another car. I was screaming. his car went sliding off the road. I was flung from the vehicle and hit a tree I screamed in pain. I one quick glance to see Liam running towards me then everything went black.


Sorry for any errors and I know its a short chapter but I hope you enjoy it :)
Also if you want could you help with names for Liam's beta and third in charge??

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