Jasmines POV~
Darkness once again, surrounded with voices and screams of the elders. I have I actually died this time? But I cant Liam needs me and I need him. I let my drift through the darkness and in sorrow of thought of Liam heartbroken from my death, and let the thoughts of our future together marriage, children and dying old together forever.
Liams POV~
Looking around the house and shocked. How could anyone do this, I hope my princess is alright but the question is where is she. My wolf is going crazy so she must be here somewhere, she isn't down in the cellar or the basement unless their is a secret passage way I wouldn't know she would be.
I walked around the chandelier that had fallen down from the ceiling and inspecting the damage. I couldn't followed her scent as its all over the place. sighing that maybe the rogues had taken her but I don't believe they would as I'm pretty sure that they didn't know that someone was in the house. As I went to go into the kitchen I heard a groan JASMINE!! Looking around where is she... I walked around the chandelier to inspect another rooms in the house. Something grabbed my leg I jumped and looked down to see her trapped under neither it.
"FUCK! Jasmine" I shouted and lifted the chandelier off her fragile little frame with all my strength. she let out a little whimper of pain. My poor mate, my poor little jasmine how could someone do such a thing to her family house. I ran to the closest pack doctor. I'm raging the anger who ever did this will pay for what they did to her.
----------3 Days Later---
It seems like a week since I saved her. I haven't slept or ate since I picked up her tiny frame from under neither that chandelier. She was in coma and wasn't showing and signs or waking any day now. I feel like she is getting more distance everyday.
Jasmines POV~
I feel the tingles everyday but yet the mood goddess wont let my wake yet and I don't know why.. I wish she did I crave his touch his lips and I don't mean me being like this stiff and unable to communicate to the real world.
----------1 AND 1/2 MONTHS LATER---------------
Having a mental fight with the moon goddess to let me go back, to be able to control my body again but she keeps rejecting my reasons.
"You cant leave me here! I have a mate who is waiting my family! Maybe I want to be a mother one day and keeping me in here is not going to make the dream come true you know!" I screamed into the darkness, grrr she makes me angry I just want my mate my true love my other half back.
"Jasmine Hash, I will let you go but on one condition, you should fall pregnant with a pup within 5 months if you have not conceived within this time frame I shall take you away forever." Omg did she really just say that, I guess I can make a deal like that. The thoughts of me carrying Liam's pup made jump with happiness.
"I, Jasmine Hash will agree to the deal and worship the moon goddess" I'm going to get pregnant! Yay! bright lights and beeping noises soon became clear and silent whisper corrupt the room. I groaned my throat was dry and sore.
"Water please?" I asked who ever was near. gasps where spread around the room.
"She's awake!" Liam screamed and my mother and father came rushing in the room.
"Water" I simple requested again and Liam quickly grabbed it for me and slowly tipped the cup and pressed it against my lip and let it slowly flow into my mouth, water has never tasted so good.
"What happened? I feel like I've been hit by a train" everyone chuckled. I just frown and looked at them all.
"Rouges invaded your father property and opened fire to the house while you were in it and the chandelier fell onto of you and you passed out shortly after I discovered your body." He said calmly and kissing my forehead, it was good to feel his lips.

Alpha Who
WerewolfJasmine Hash a 15 year old werewolf, she has long wavy blonde hair with beautiful green eyes. She was new to town; which the town was crawling with werewolf's only a couple of humans were among her kind. Doesn't mean she didn't get around with the g...