[Chapter 03]

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My Friend

☞Reader's POV ☜

I approached him subtly. I didn't know how to talk to him. I haven't talked to anyone in a while so it's I told myself it was okay to get nervous. He was just sitting there, relaxing under some shade. Before I really confronted him I stopped beside a bush the kept me relatively hidden. It felt weird, hiding. Being used to not being seen, I've always wanted someone to talk to and someone to notice me. That someone is right in front of me and I'm hiding from him.

I thought about it deeply. If I was him, and a girl came up to me saying that she was invisible, I would probably say that girl is crazy. Although, I also can consider the fact that from how close I was to them, his friend should have seen me, but he didn't. If I were him, that would have made me wonder at least a little bit. I stared at him hoping he would turn back and look at me like some people do when they feel that they are being watched. He never did.

I started to get frustrated. He's right there! What am I waiting for? He was alone too, so I didn't have to worry about making him look like a crazy person talking to himself. I should've just gone up and talked to him like a normal person. But the thing is, I'm not a normal person. Normal people can be seen by others, unlike me. Maybe I'm just overthinking this.

I took a deep breath. I walked over to him, one foot in front of the other. He didn't look up until I was directly in front of him. He looked straight at me as I froze in place. He's not saying anything. Can he still see me? I thought of the worst.

Say something. Anything. Let me know that you can see me. Please.

After nothing but silence and when he looked away, I decided to say something myself. Clearing my throat I managed to say clearly and calmly, "Sorry for running away yesterday."

He looked back at me. So he can see me. His eyes widened. "Ooh! I thought you looked familiar! I couldn't remember so I didn't say anything. I was about to because you were kinda staring at me creepily, plus you were hiding in the bushes, but I thought it was rude."

Are you kidding me? Did I worry about that for nothing? I am not creepy, I was pretty ticked off when he said that, but then again, I felt like an idiot for just standing there. I guess I did seem creepy. Then I realized, he didn't want to say anything because he thought he was being rude? I think I just found the nicest person in the Galaxy.

"Anyway, once again, I'm sorry for running off yesterday. I was really scared," I said softly.

"Don't worry, I figured you were just shy. I'm glad we got to see each other again." He smiled. "Wanna be friends?"

I really did find the nicest person in the galaxy. "That sounds really fun!" I said, returning the smile. "I've never really had friends before. None that I can remember."

"You haven't?" He sounded really sincere. "I thought someone as pretty as you would have a bunch of friends."

The compliment made me blush. "You're just saying that," I said timidly.

"No, I really mean it!"

I couldn't stop blushing. Whenever my cheeks would return to their natural color, I tried to look back at him, but it would just get worse.

"So are you alone today?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"No my friends, Killua and Alluka, are gonna meet me here, " he explained. "They're getting cake."

My mouth shaped an 'o' showing that I understood him. "What are your friends like?"

I was surprised at how open he was with me. He talked to me as though we was catching up with some old friend he had known for years. He grinned and told me how he met Killua. He told me how they took the hunter's exam and how they traveled around the world. Then he told me how Alluka was Killua's sister, and she had an amazing power that Gon couldn't tell me much about. His friends and adventures seemed so amazing and outrageous. Even though Killua and Alluka both come from a family of killers, they seem like the nicest people. All this time I spent wandering around and I could be out adventuring like Gon.

Talking to him, I got lost in the conversation and almost forgot about why I was here.

"By the way," he said in a thoughtful tone. "I don't think I know your name yet. I'm Gon."

"My name?" That was the worst question to ask me. I didn't have a name, even if I did I couldn't remember it. I couldn't remember anything about my past at all. "Well, you see..."

"Yo Gon!" A voice said in the distance.

Saved by the bell. Perfect timing!

"Hey, Killua!" Gon greeted. He turned to me and smiled. "Now you can meet my friends!"

I smiled at him. "Great!"

Wait for what? He can't introduce me to his friends. They won't be able to see me! They're gonna think Gon's crazy. My stomach turned and my palms grew sweaty. "Umm actually," I said nervously. "I have to go."

"What? You can't stay a little longer?" He looked so disappointed.

"No, I can't. Can we meet here at the same time tomorrow?"

"Sure I guess." He mumbled.

I stood up and started walking away at a quick pace. "Awesome! See you then! Bye!"

"Um okay bye!" He said.

"Gon who are you talking too?" Killua asked.

"My new friend," he replied.


"She had to go but she ran off in that direction..." His voice faded as he pointed in my direction but there was nothing there.

I had already disappeared.

I hid behind a close tree and stayed quiet. My breathing was heavier than usual and my chest felt light, I waited for hours and made no progress. But I'm not that sad about it. If anything I'm happy. I made my first friend. Not only that but I get to see him again tomorrow! I felt bubbly with excitement and I silently jumped for joy.

I glance back at Gon one more time. He's so interesting and so kind. But I still have to tell him. I still need help. I have to do it tomorrow.


AN: Hello my lovely readers! I don't have much to say about this chapter, but if the reader doesn't tell Gon her secret soon I might bang my head against the wall. Lol

Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for reading!

Tell me what you think!



EN: It seems like I'm finally getting some progress done. I have so many mistakes I'm surprised you guys actually think that my works are good.

-Lena C.  

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