[Chapter 07]

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Human Interaction

☞Gon's POV ☜

I woke up the next morning and explained everything I could to (y/n). I told her how my father wanted to meet her, and also how I had no idea how he was going to meet her. We discussed multiple ways and possibilities, but all of them seemed impossible. We finally settled on the idea that she would sit with us and listen to Ging and I talk. If she wanted to say something, then I would have to say everything exactly the way she said it. It would be like she was talking "through" me.

Ging arrived late afternoon. It was a pretty relaxed meeting. We sat in the living room of the apartment that I temporarily had rented out, drinking some lemonade.

"So where is your friend?" He asked casually.

"She is here." I said awkwardly. "You just can't see her. Like I said she has a problem."

"You make it sound like I have some kind of mental disorder." (Y/n) said bitterly.

I glanced between Ging and her. I still wasn't used to being the only one who could hear her. I was half expecting Ging to say something about her.

"She said the way I'm telling you about her makes it sound like she has a mental disorder." I said to Ging. I then glanced at (y/n), which to Ging seemed like I was just looking at the empty space. "Sorry."

"What does she know about her problem?" Ging said dubiously. He didn't believe me completely but I could understand why.

"I have no idea why I'm like this. That's why I'm asking for help!" She said. I repeated her words exactly so Ging could understand.

He nodded and said, " Where did you meet your friend?"

"We met at the park," I answered his question honestly.

Ging leaned in, "She can't be seen, heard, and can't be touched either?" He looked skeptical. "Gon, you realize how bizarre that sounds."

☞Reader's POV ☜

I was growing impatient with Ging. He didn't believe a single word Gon was saying. I could tell by the look in his eyes. "Gon, it's obvious he doesn't believe you. Just try some of your other friends."

"You can't give up on him that easily! I know it sounds bizarre, but it's true. I'm the only one that can hear, see, and feel her." Gon said to Ging. I smiled as an idea popped into my head. Gon can see, hear, and feel me. And I can see, hear, and feel him as well.

I walked behind Gon and flattened his hair down with my palm. I started playing with Gon's hair to the point where it looked like his hair had a mind of his own. Just as I hoped Ging noticed and was now shooting Gon confused looks.

"Hey what are you doing?" Gon said quietly, trying to swat my hands away.

I then moved myself so I was now face to face with Gon. I pinched his cheeks and pulled, now playing with his face. I pulled his arms and started to tickle him.

"Hey stop that! It I'm ticklish!" He said between laughs.

I almost got carried away, toying with Gon. It felt like we were just friends messing around. Then I looked up at Ging, and he was now starting to put two and two together. His eyes were wide and his jaw dropped. I stopped playing with Gon and let him regain his composure.

"What was that for?" Gon asked me.

I motioned at Ging and said, "Do you believe us now?"

He cleared his throat. "Sorry for not believing you earlier. You are clearly telling the truth."

"Really? You believe us?" Gon beamed.

"Well you have no reason to lie to me. Plus, I've never seen hair do that on it's own so there has to be someone else here that's playing with you," Ging responded. "I honestly thought you were going crazy for a little bit. But there was something that you said that did intrest me and you are my son after all so I decided to visit."

Gon leaned on the edge of his seat. "So do you know how to fix her?"

Ging shook his head. "I don't know how to fix it completely. But the way you described your friend on the phone, it sounded like an old legend I heard long ago."

Gon took the words right out of my mouth: "What was it?"

"The hidden soul." Ging said in a serious tone. "It was said that a hidden being would be cursed to roam aimlessly, without anyone being able to see, hear, or touch them. The only thing they could do watch as the world goes on around them. The reason I got interested then was because I was traveling through this town and bunches of people went missing. I even helped them search but nothing was ever found. Supposedly, the missing people were all cursed."

My eyes widened and I gripped my knees to keep my hands from shaking.

"But no one has gone missing around here." Gon protested." It's not like this city is a friendly town where word gets around fast and everyone starts a search party to find her, but still, there haven't been any recent reports of missing persons, they would have put up some kind of poster at least."

"That's true but you never know," Ging countered. "If the person who put a curse on all those people decided to travel and put a curse on just your friend, then that might be the problem."

I know Ging couldn't hear me but I asked anyway, "Is there any way that the legend or curse can be reversed?"

Gon didn't say anything to Ging, but he still answered. "I'm sure your friend is wondering," he said in sorrowful tone. " But unfortunately, there is no known way to reverse this."

I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach. I felt like throwing up. His words echoed inside my head. No known way to reverse this. I wanted to cry but the tears never came. I had all this hope and now all my dreams were crushed. I looked at Gon who was staring straight back at me. I wanna stay by his side, but if he is the only person I can talk to, I don't want to become a burden.

"Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear." Ging said. He was facing Gon but it seemed like as if has talking to me.

"That's fine, Ging," Gon assured. He didn't seem as shaken up as I was. "We just wanted to know what you know. Plus everything isn't over yet. You said that there is no known way to reverse it. Then we just have to find it! And there is also a chance that the legend doesn't even apply to her. It could be something totally different."

I looked up to Gon. It was amazing how someone could still have so much hope for someone who has lost all of it.

He smiled at me and said, "I promise to help you live a normal life!"


AN: Hello my lovely readers!

Sooo I'm just gonna let you judge this chapter because I honestly don't know. If I had to say anything about it I would say that it has gone downhill since the beginning. *sigh* I have no idea what's gonna happen next.

I Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for reading!

Tell me what you think!



I'm editing more and more. Soon, I'll finally update just like you guys have been waiting for what seems to be decades for. The changes here aren't too much, just some wording differences.

Although one thing is for sure that my first authors note still stands true for me.

-Lena C.

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