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"Emily,Wait up!" I've heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turn around and there he was, the last person I wish to see.

"What do you want Blake?" I said annoyed. Blake West: schools bad boy; most annoying jerk; my neighbour. He's ends of his dark brown hair falling on his forehead. He's crystal blue eyes stared into mine and it was lime he was looking into my soul. He makes me wonder how someone so sexy can be such a dick. Yes I said it, but it's true he looks like some sort of Greek God. He's wearing a black skinny jeans, white t-shirt, and leather jacket. Typical bad boy's look.

"I need your help" What? He wants my help? Good joke!

"You need my help? Hahahah!" he stared at me like I was mental.

"I'm not kidding Emily. I need you to become my girlfriend." I didn't know what to say.

"What?!" that's all I said.

"Listen my parents wont me to change. They think that having a girlfriend will help me. Please Emily you are the only girl I trust."

"And why should I help you?"

"They give me time until summer holidays to find a good girlfriend." he paused for a second. "Otherwise they'll force me to get a arranged marriage with Heder"

"But why me. I mean hello... you hate me!" I really don't know why he want my help when ever we talk we argue. He hate me... and I hate him.

"Firstly, I do NOT hate you. Secondly, my parents admire you, they keep on saying how cute we would be together."

"What exactly you want me to do?"

"I need you to fake date me for a while so they won't make me marry Heder."

"Okay" wait what did I just said?!

"Really?! Oh my fucking God! Thank you so much!"

"Did you just thank me? The Blake West thanking somebody. This must be a dream, someone wake me up." I said sarcastically. I was really surprised Blake NEVER thank anybody for anything.

"Why are you so surprised. I'm not a total jerk" well yes he is.

"Whatever, so what we gonna do?"

"I'll talk to my parents and tell them that I found a girlfriend and I'll bring you to a diner party on Saturday night" did i mention that Blake's family is super rich. They have diner partys every week. My and Blake mums are best friends so we get invited every week, but I went only once. Too many snobbish old people and you need to dress formally. I hate it.


That's all i said before I turn around and walk to my motorbike that stud not far away on the school car park.

Bad Boy's (Fake) Girlfriend (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now