The Wall

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"WHAT?!" I splurted, and my half chewed dinner went flying back to it's plate.
"You heard me loud and clear Alexa." Janices words reverberated inside my pounding head as I tried to stop my lunch joining the food freedom rally next to my regurgitated dinner. I gripped the communicator until my sweating knuckles went white, trying desperately to find something to say as I went dizzy with shock.
"I don't expect your answer right away," Janice's chuckle were barely audible, she had obviously predicted my near encounter with death and my eyes narrowed harshly with the realisation of why she had called when I was eating.
But Janice composed herself quickly and continued,"Just meet me at the coordinates I'm sending to your communicator tomorrow morning so I can give you a briefing on how the mission will go down." Before I could protest, or say anything at all, a bleak tone told me it was time to return to dinner and pretend like I hadn't nearly fainted.
I clutched the dark padded chair I was sitting in and locked my eyes on to a spot on the glass table, just past what was my dinner. I picked up the sad plate of food and made my way to the fridge so I could fill the hole in my stomach, and let out a sigh as I opened the heavy, metal door. I had a lot of thinking to do.
Groggily I looked at the path mapped out on my communicator screen, according to the message that came with the coordinates, Janice's definition of 'in the morning' was 5:30am. The number of metres slowly ticked lower and lower as I trudged through block after block of warehouses. Motor vehicles didn't exist anymore, humans had already made that mistake once. All we had now was an energy efficient, highspeed train that went through every station twice each day, I shivered at the thought of how long it had taken me to design those schematics. I hated contributing to the government. A breeze was beggining to play with my hair when I glanced back to the counter, the little number on the screen ticked over to zero just as I notice my location on the map. I wasn't on it.

Infront of me was a massive, ugly, industrial looking wall that stretched on endlessly in both directions. I stood there for a bit, thinking the situation through. I ignored the slightly disturbing hunch that was lurking in the back corner of my mind (the one I always forgot to clean the cobwebs from) and rapped it twice with my knuckles. I stood around for a bit and started fishing around in my bag for the nut bar I had packed for occations of spare time just like this. Chewing on a deliciously genetically modified cashew chunk I contemplated walking back to the train station to get some proper breakfast. My foot lifted just as something from within the depths of the hulking mass clunked and a door appeared, a farmiliar face hid behind unnecessary sunglases and I knew I wasn't lost.
"Miss.. Erh... I mean, Alexa. Welcome to The Wall."

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