Celia's perfect wedding

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Greed kills. Greed can also kill.

The following story is written in third person. How do you imagine your ideal wedding to be?

"Cel, did you contact the florist?" Jenna shouted across the dressing room of Kleinfeld Bridals. She tugged the lacy neckline of her flowing dress as she checked herself out, critically, in front of the huge mirror. The waistline of the gown had accentuated her ample hips and the subtle embellishments  adorned the entire length of the skirt. Her bodice was strapless and embedded with twinkling iridescent beads. Truly, it was her dream wedding dress.

"Yes and I have placed the order for the Peonies. Fresh ones to be arranged into golden pots on the tables and also, as the entrance centrepiece." Celia replied from the other side of the door.

"What about the corsage?"

"Gardenia? Done."

Jenna smiled. She knew her long time best friend cum wedding planner, Celia was efficient enough to never let her down.

The day Jenna had been waiting for would arrive in less than three days. She would marry Dominique, her fiancé of two years and boyfriend of five, and she could not have asked for more. She had been planning for her wedding for over an year now. Everything had to be perfect and exactly the way she wanted it to be.

Of course, as a client, Jenna was fussy. She was very particular about her choices. The flowers had to be fresh pure Peonies or none at all. Dinner would consist of the finest 1997 Bollinger and the best exotic finger foods. Her choices were very tasteful and expensive. She had even booked the best wedding place in down town, the grand city garden.

"Jen, I have set up the morning slot at Gloss Brides' for your make up."

"Dramatic look, right?" Jenna had never understood the trend of the fresh dewy sun-kissed looks. Its your wedding. Go over the top for god's sake.

"Yes. How could I forget."

The next two days passed in a lot of hustle bustle. There was a lot of errands to be done, people to be called, last minute changes to be made. Jenna threw a lot of temper tantrums as a result of frayed nerves. Luckily, Celia was quick to assign people work and she handled all minor crisis calmly.

The final day arrived. It was a bright sunny day. Celia went on a quick round check up at the city gardens. Indeed, the place resembled heaven on earth. The peonies looked elegant in their golden pots set aesthetically on the round tables which were covered with creamy embroidered linen. The altar was a lush flower arch with a canopy of flimsy muslin cloth. The music was set, the caterers were setting up their silver cutlery and the seats held cards which were embossed with names of the guests in gorgeous italicised letters.

Her cell phone ringed. It was Jenna. Celia sighed. That woman needed some calming green tea.

"Yeah?" she picked up the call.

"I am getting ready. Where are you?"

"En route. I will be there in  20 minutes!"

Celia gasped as she entered the bride's room. Standing in front of her in that gorgeous dress, adorned with the most beautiful accessories, stood Jenna. This was a far cry from Jenna's sunday pajama and baggy top look. She looked radiant with joy.


Jenna blushed at the compliment.

Celia felt a pang of jealousy. Ever since their childhood, Jenna had always been the luckier one between them. She was asked out by Celia's crush Joe in seventh grade, got kissed first and got through high school easily as she was pretty, friendly and quite the teacher's pet. Even in college, Jenna seemed to attract more attention than usual. She landed a good job as well and fell in love with the perfect guy.

"I haven't had anything to eat since morning. Cel, can you cut those apples please.  They must be on that table over there.Lets have some slices. I am awfully hungry" Jenna said and she fixed one diamond earring onto her ear.

'She seems quite happy" Celia thought bitterly and she gave her friend a sneer.

"I am still hungry, just so you know!" chirped Jenna.

Celia walked towards the table eyeing those delicious red apples. They seemed to be as red as Jenna's blush. She  fingered the sharp side of the knife kept beside them. The silver finish gleamed in the sun light, which fell on it through the slits of the drapes.

Jenna began to hum a tune. She sounded very happy.

For once, just for once, Celia hoped she too would sound as happy as her. Images of happily married Jenna flashed through her mind.

The events which took place next were a blur to Celia. Blood surged through Celia's veins, this time with more pressure. She snatched the knife off the table and strode determindedly towards the silhoutte of her friend. She, then, took a deep breath and swiftly plunged it deep into her Jenna's slender back.

"Oh my god..." Jenna's last words were filled with pain and agony and as she managed to turn her head around and saw her best friend clutching that vile knife, her eyes went wide with shock and disbelief.

"But why..." that was all she could whisper before life left her, leaving her lying down on the floor into a pool of her own crimson blood.

"How do you like your dream wedding now, eh?" Celia smirked at the lifeless body. She shoved the knife in her coat pocket. She grabbed one apple and chomped on it, on her way out. She stopped once to smell the Gardenia. The scent was very powerful and over-whelming. She made a mental note to call the florist to deliver the exact same flowers to the forthcoming funeral.

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