It's all about teamspirit

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Check mate!

Being fit and healthy must be in your top most priority. What sport do you play best?

Dominique smiled jauntily at the treadmill which blinked red numbers showing that he had been running for two miles. His legs took long strides with ease and sweat poured out of his pores and down his white tank top into little salty streams.

Beside him, his girlfriend Celia was on the cycle, pedalling enthusiastically, her muscled thighs moving in perfect sync with the wheels. Her hair was pulled tightly into a ponytail at the top of her head. She was as sweaty as him, her face was flushed with redness.

Dominique and Celia, or the 'power couple' as their friends called them, were the ultimate fitness fanatics and were in a relationship for the last four months. They had first met at a mutual friend's place, Jenna's housewarming party, and had hit it off instantly over their shared love for weight lifting and vegetarian diet plans.

"I think I am done for today!" Dominique climbed off the treadmill and wiped the sweat off his brow with a soft face towel. He examined his body in the large gym mirror. He was ripped.

"I'll be done in a few minutes or so!" Celia said.

He nodded and walked towards the water cooler. He splashed his face and, then, chugged down a litre of water from one of the bottles kept nearby. By the time, he was finishing his second bottle, Celia joined him.

"I need to get some fresh watermelon" she said, "let's make a stop to the grocery first."

"Like this?" Dominique pointed towards his wet white top and grinned, "aren't you scared a hot girl would mentally undress me in this state. You know I look uber sexy at the moment." He winked.

Celia laughed and gave him a playful punch. "I think these strong arm muscles of mine can knock out any skimpy hot girl who tries to ogle you." She flexed her well-defined arms to make her point.

"I know baby, I am just kidding." Dominique pulled her close and planted a kiss on the top of her head, then he flinched.

"Yew that's sweaty!" He made a deliberate funny face. They didn't mind each others' sweat but they still joked around about being disguised by it from time to time.

"You are no better yourself, stinky man!" Celia retorted and wrapped her arm around his waist. "Let's go! The shop must have just opened. It's still early."

They donned their light cotton jackets and  walked down to the little supermarket that had a lot of variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, juices and diary products. They both loved to frequent the shop, mainly because it had no processed and preserved food in its stock and hence, they were not tempted by delicious poisons called fast foods, which other supermarkets had to offer.

A blast of chilly air from the air conditioner hit them as soon as they walked into the shop. Since, it was early in the morning, there were no other customers around. Just them and the two cashier boys.

Celia walked over to the fruits section gleefully eyeing the perfect round green watermelons and the juicy red apples beside them. She had two shopping baskets and she began filling them quickly with foodies. In went two small watermelons, a packet of lion dates, a dozen of bananas and some apples. She was still scrounging the aisles looking for soya milk, when Dominique's phone rang. He checked the caller ID and immediately stiffened. Celia was too busy shopping to notice the change in his posture.

"Be right back!" He said shakily and walked out of the shop. He picked up the call.

"Why did you call me at this hour, Joe" he hissed into the microphone angrily.

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