12: Final Battle*

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Alex lived normally in Salem until the news that Jessie died came to him. Cassandra told him. He immediately went back to the Labyrinth. Of course, he had to ask first Lorenzo if he could go back. Alex hated the idea that he has been living his life under Dante's rules. Now, he was sent to Salem to find out information about the secret weapon of the Arez. When he won the Cup, the first thing he did was find Salem... Maybe I could escape them there, he had thought and he successfully found it. It is located somewhere in the west. When he got there, guards took him immediately to the Arez family, thinking he was a spy but he told them how much he hated them and how they killed all of his family. Lorenzo accepted him and took him in. He met Soraia. They were nice people so he stayed a little longer until Lorenzo asked him a favour; to become a spy to the Nerida. He said yes and with that, he returned to the Labyrinth and continued to serve the Nerida family.

Jansen led him to Jessie's room. He saw Jessie lying on the bed, dead. He immediately went to him and hugged him tight. He felt teardrops running from his eyes. He called his name several times, hoping for him to answer. He stayed there all day, all week but he had to leave when he felt Cassandra approaching Jessie's house. He went to the window and saw them coming. She still looks the same, beautiful, he thought. He teleported as far as he could and went straight back to Salem.

After the attack of the Lobos in her Academy, she never stopped searching for the leader of the Lobos. When she saw how powerful they are, she decided that they may be useful for the Losts. After months of searching, she was able to find on and overpower it. Before it could kill itself, Jill offered him something. "We will stop killing your kind, as long as you work with us." They freed the Lobo so it could tell it to their leader and in no time, Darius, the leader of the Lobo, came and accepted the offer and the first thing he did to help them was tell them about Cassandra's blood, that her blood is a blood of a Legacy. That day, Jill immediately summoned Cassandra to her office.

"I'm sorry ma'am but her teacher told me she didn't attend any of her classes today." Her servant said. She decided to find her herself and noticed that her friends were gone too. She began to feel worried. She immediately went home to tell Dante everything. Dante slapped her as soon as he found out that the reason for building the Academy failed. "We built that to watch over the magicians! We built that to avoid having rebels and you failed, Jill!" Dante slapped her again. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Tania, her mother, heard Jill screaming so she went immediately to stop Dante. "Stay away!" He said and froze Tania. "They're gone for how many days now Jill?" Dante asked. "Fo-four." She answered nervously and with that, she had said her last word. Dante killed her with Morte; a spell that instantly kills. When he had remove the freezing spell on Tania, he immediately inflicted a forgetting spell on her and he successfully removed Jill from Tania's mind.

Cassandra and Franco reached Mt. Grande before sundown. Cassandra lied down and started casting the spell. Franco watched her and suddenly, there was a green aura surrounding her body. That's when Franco knew it's about to happen. When Franco was making his preparations for this mission, he decided to learn a lot of defensive spells. Franco created a barrier to protect both of them. He spent six days focusing on making it stronger. They can't communicate to each other because using magic would make the Council find them except for Franco and Cassandra.

Chloe went to the east and found an abandoned factory that is thousand miles away from the nearest town. She buys food every morning and returns to the abandoned factory. No one uses their phones during the mission because they knew phones might make the Council easily track them. They all left their phones in the Academy. If Franco spent his time creating a strong barrier, Chloe became playful and created traps inside and outside the factory. From poison traps, exploding traps and to every trap that she could think of. Apparently, it all ended on the fifth day. Dante used the watch by the Council in order to find the missing students. People from the Council - guards - started entering the factory. She immediately left the place. From 20 guards, she ended up with 11 chasers. It took an hour to defeat her. Instead of killing her, they took her to the Nerida. Dante's orders.

When Daniel found out that Jill was dead, he knew something's happening. He immediately went to Dante to know why he had killed her. "She let five rebels go and apparently, your girlfriend is one of them and... is a Legacy." Dante answered, "What? No she's not." He wanted for him to lie. "Yes and one day she will be the one to kill you!" Dante said coldly, No, she will not kill me, Daniel thought. "But that doesn't give you the right to kill Jill!" He said angrily. He remembered the days he spent with his sister and that enraged him more. "No, she deserves it." He said. They argued and then suddenly, Daniel accidentally turned on his blood lust.

"And now you are ready to become the next headmaster."

Jessie stayed in the forest in the south. He created ghosts and stone soldiers to help him fight whenever the Council arrives. They arrived on the six days. When Dante lost half of their people on the east, Dante knew they were prepared so he decided to send out more on the south. Jessie showed a good fight but he was no match for 30 guards so he was taken too.

When Alex decided to visit the Nerida, he saw that Chloe was there, held captive. When no one was around, he talked to her. Chloe explained everything, starting from the whole planning. Alex was enraged. "I'm sorry for keeping everything a secret from you. We knew you would never allow us do such a dangerous thing." Chloe said but Alex didn't answer. "Where are they?" Alex asked. "I can't tell you. They might be watching." Chloe said. Suddenly, a couple of guards entered the room and threw Jessie inside. Alex was surprised that he's alive. He hugged him immediately but after hugging him, he punched him. "Why didn't you tell me about this?" He asked angrily. "I'm sorry."

Dante entered. Alex watched him from the side. Dante began to ask them where are the other three are but no one answered. And then he started torturing them for answer. Alex wanted to stop him but the guards took him outside. He decided to look for them. Alex decided to create a link to Franco so he could talk to him. After a few seconds, he was able to connect with Franco.

"Where are you?!" He asked. "Mt. Grande." Franco answered. Suddenly, someone came out of the room where Jessie and Chloe are; it was Dante. "Send all the available guards to Mt. Grande and fast! I want them alive! Take Octavia with you." He said. He immediately told Franco that Dante's on to them. He then created a link to Lisie and told her to go to Mt. Grande to help them. Lisie answered because she knew it doesn't matter where she is anymore. When Dante left the room, he immediately attacked the remaining guards and freed Chloe and Jessie. They all headed to Mt. Grande.

When they reached Mt. Grande, he found Franco fighting off a lot of guards inside the force field. He was unreachable at first but as soon as guards kept on hitting the barrier he had made, it starts to become weaker. Alex came to help. "When did she start casting the spell?' Alex asked. "Seven days ago." So today is the last day, huh? He thought. They all fought the guards. Jessie summoned his phantom soldiers; Franco attacked; Chloe focused on fighting Octavia; Alex stick closed to Cassandra. Lisie, who just came after a few hours, helped Alex.

When Cassandra has only an hour left before the spell ends, Dante decided to fight as well. Alex volunteered to fight him off. They began to exchange deadly spells. Thirty minutes. A couple of guards were able to hit Cassandra's body which made her scream a bit; but the spell continues. Lisie decided to stand next to her and heal her. "I'm not going to let you die." She whispered. Chloe successfully stunned Octavia so she helped the rest. Five minutes.

And then all of the sudden, Alex was hit in the arm and with that, Dante turned immediately to Cassandra and casted Morte. Everything happened so slow after that. Lisie sees this so she immediately used her body as a shield so Cassandra wouldn't be hit.

"My parents died for this so I'm not gonna let you die too, Cass."

Franco, Jessie, Chloe, Alex - all watched as she falls down to the ground, lifeless. Franco shouted in pain. Franco rushed to Lisie and held her before she touch the ground.

"I love you." He whispered.




The green aura around Cassandra exploded. White and dark aura from everyone's body began to glow and explode as well. The secret link above the sky that the Council uses exploded too. When Dante was distracted, Alex casted a strong invisibility spell among them and they escaped Dante and his men with Franco carrying Lisie's dead body and Alex carrying Cassandra's unconscious body.

That's when they knew it's all over. The division's gone. They are all free.

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