~Chapter 12~ Smooth as a Crunchy Nut

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Sorryyyy for the slow update DX I've not been on Wattpad much >.<


"Wait wait wait...run this by me again?"

We were in Math, back in hell- I mean, School.

No wait,

I mean Hell.

I could not be-fricking-lieve that I was sent back after meeting all those peeps who I wanted to. Damn you Bruce!

Hahaha I can almost hear Steve's voice - even though I didn't get to meet him - scream LANGUAGE at me.

I really need a life.

"Lucy, how many times? I went there. Doctor did some tests and now I'm back. It's normal, right?"

"Uhh right...." she mumbled.

I sighed and rested my head on the table. This whole thing had made me really grumpy.

So they just kicked me out.

How was I supposed to take this one lying down? I wasn't. Well maybe I'd take it sitting down but that's only because I'm too lazy to stand. Wait, what was I talking about again?

Never mind.

It had been almost a month since I was in the Avengers tower...sitting on that hospital bed and uh...not doing much.

Oh the good times! I even missed Tony, as much as I hated to admit it.

In terms of my illness, I was hoping that something would go wrong so I could get to go back. But no, if I mentioned to my parents they threatened to call Dr Death.

You wouldn't believe how scared I have become of a telephone hanging threateningly from mom's hand.

Sadly, nothing much had happened. Well sometimes my body felt a little bit weird - like when you move and you can almost feel your stomach moving...weird? Ok nevermind- but nothing was painful.


And this past month, Lucy was so suspicious? Of what? Even now, when we were supposed to be copying notes from the board, she kept staring at her book but sneaking glances at me worryingly as though any moment I would explode, or grow a third arm or even get naked.

Scratch that last one, actually.

I suppose the only benefit of anything is that I could get out school work easier, just complain to the teacher that my illness was acting up and BAM. No work.

I stared at the clock willing it to go faster so I could get out of this class. Time always does that. You want it to go fast? It says: lol no. And then takes AGESSS on purpose.

One second...

And another...

And another...

And another...

And 56 more....

And another minute....

And another....


* * *

"Natalie! NATALIE!!" Someone was shaking me.

Somebody was screaming my name.

"WHAT!?" I screamed lifting my head up from my arm and turning to the side where Lucy's hand was hovering over mine, about to shake me again.

Then there comes that beautiful moment.

Oh awkward silences, what a pleasure it is to see you.

The whole class was silent, staring and the teacher stood in front of me with a weak smile. The school receptionist was standing by the door, frowing at me.

I must have been asleep because there was a little drool on my hand which I quickly wiped on my pants, knocking a pencil off the table in the process.

Smooth Natalie.

About as smooth as crunchy nut.

Wait what?

"Uhm, yes?" I said to nobody in particular.

"You were asleep." Lucy mumbled

"I figured." I whispered back.

"Miss Richards." The receptionist said with a pointed look. "There's someone here to see you. Please follow me."

I sat there momentarily and felt my forehead crease in confusion. Who? After a while, someone coughed and Lucy poked my arm as a way of telling me to go on..

That's when I realised that every one was watching.

Since I am about as graceful as drugged seal trying to breakdance, I scraped my chair back and almost stumbled, before regaining my balance and following her out of the room.

And that kids, is what we call as 'smooth as a crunchy nut.'


"Who's here to see me?"

"You'll have to find out. I think he said he was your uncle?" The receptionist said, her heels clicking/heeling/making whatever sound heels make.

Uncle? Why would any uncle of mine come in school to see me?

In fact, by the time I reached the office and saw the man, I had no clue who he was.

It was a man without much hair wearing a suit.


Then something weird happened which I blame on the Illness and Bruce Banner for not telling me about/not finding out about.

It was weird but I kinda felt like I saw further than I was supposed to. Now before you think I've said something Herbert the Pervert-y kind of thing, let me explain.

I saw inside the inside pocket of his Jacket. I saw an ID card. For S.H.I.E.L.D.

All of it happened in a whoosh. One second I saw a man in a suit. Then the next second I saw into his pocket. Then I saw the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo and Name.

Then all I could see was the outside of his pocket again.


But then again, SHIELD logo. Name.

I knew who this was.

My breath hitched and my voice sounded strangled as I let out a major le gasp.

Phil Coulson came to my school to meet me..

Phil Coulson.

The Ultimate Fanboy

"But you're FANBOY GOALS." I accidentally burst out and then clapped a hand over my mouth straight after.

He looked kind of confused but, hey it's ok, i was smoother than a crunchy nut.

Unaware of the fact that the receptionist was probably nearby (probably) I said stupidly and loudly,

"You...you're...You're AGENT COULSON-"

"My first name is Phil." He said over me and smirked slighty.

And suddenly, I felt as though I wouldnt be missing stark for much longer.


Sorry if you think the story is moving too fast but we have to get from point A to Point B.

Thanks for reading and not giving up on this!

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