Meg's POV
It was a bright and early day! I was the first to be awoken so I opened the curtain, heated up some water and and had some coffee. I looked at my ring and wandered how to tell the fam bam? Then I started to look through twitter alot of comments and favorites. Comments mostly were:
"OMG!" and "OMG! I TOTALLY SHIP YOU TOO!!!" and "MASPAR!!!!!!" I've seen some negative but 90% is mostly positive.
Then after I took a long hot shower and dressed up! Zoe went in and woke up the others! She said we would go on a run.
I wore a gray sleeveless top with black leggings and rubber shoes! I wasn't prepared so I went with light clothes! I tied my hair to a pony tail and waited for others to get ready! Tyler was wearing quite the as mine but he wore a gray shirt! I went downstairs and Caspar was at the bathroom but we had to go downstairs!
We met up with Zoe and the others who were vlogging! And I was the only one without a camera!
"So! Heres Meg!" Zoe said as she pointed the camera to me
"Hi!" I waved
"I feel like we're gonna do something I don't know! The first day we had the dinner, the second day we had a morning exercise and now I don't know!" I laughed
"Yeah! We love surprising Meg!" She said
Then later the boys came! I wad beside Zoe and then Caspar sat beside me and rest his head in my shoulder.
"I'm still sleepy!" He said
"Where are we going Zoe?"asked Jim
"They said they would go here!" Zoe said
*Time Skip
We were at the hotel gym and yesterday was so cold! Now it's hot! We girls were seperated to the boys! Me, Zoe, Tanya and the gals were doing yoga! We did a lot of difficult poses! My partner was Connor! And we laughed the whole training!
After we went back to our rooms to prepare for lunch outside. I took a cold shower and changed into a black peplum shirt with some black shorts and a black dockside shoes. I curled my hair and put on some foundation, concealer, some black eyeliner on my upper waterline and bottom waterline.... I curled my lashes and put on some fake lashes I fixed my brows and put on some gold earnings... I waited for everyone to get ready. While waiting I braided a single strand of hair below my ear...just as I finished everyone was finished aswell! We went to the lobby and meeted there. We were seperated so me, Caspar and Connor was at Zalfies car with them and while Joe, Oli, Tyler and Troye was at Janya's car with them...we went to the mall and we ate at PizzaFace requested by Caspar! Me and Caspar ordered Johnno and the rest ordered something else I also had some Rose Lemonade... Then I remembered I was going to start my YouTube Channel
"Caspar, remember I told you I was going to start my YouTube channel?" I whispered
"Oh yeah!" He said soooo loudly
So they all turned to us and everything went quiet...
"Good news guys! I have decided that I'm starting a YouTube Channel" I said
"Yehey!" They all cheered
We talked about all of this and that, how to edit, how to gain lots of subscribers. So they all wanted to do a collab with me so some, we planned to do it all together! And this is making me excited to go home!
After talking and talking we went to TopShop...

In Love With Caspar Lee
FanfictionAll events and happenings are all in the author's imagination! Pictures are from different sites on the internet such as Google! This is 100% original! And please do not copy it! I DIDN'T MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE OR ANYTHING! Thank you! Enjoy! Oh and...