Caspar's POV
Since we had a lot of time me and Joe watched a movie!*Time Skip
It was 6:45! And Zoe called everyone at 7! So me and Joe rushed!
So we a headed to our rooms I head to the shower first and I took a bath. I exit the bathroom and put some deo and brushed my teeth. I wore a shirt that has one black stripe across and since I don't have a blue polo packed I wore Alfies blue sweater. With some jeans and sneakers!Then Zoe texted Joe to bring us the presents. Me, Joe, Oli and Alfie had our gifts wrapped by Zoe since she's the best one in the house.
So we grabbed our gifts and told us to go to the 5th floor. Diamond room
There was a big door which we entered and there was a lot of blue! There was 2 tables, one for the dinner and one for the cakes and stuffs. They needed help to put on the blue garlands and blue puff balls and prepared some special stuffs! Then later we called Meg!

In Love With Caspar Lee
FanficAll events and happenings are all in the author's imagination! Pictures are from different sites on the internet such as Google! This is 100% original! And please do not copy it! I DIDN'T MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE OR ANYTHING! Thank you! Enjoy! Oh and...