Meg's POV
So today! I woke up early! Because! It's my last day in London!!! I'm leaving tomorrow evening! And it's 6 in the morning!
And since it was soooo early, I went on my laptop and went to twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Wattpad, Tumblr and YouTube!
*Time Skip
It's 9:00! I've been in my laptop for 3 hours! I went downstairs and Zoe is awake!!!
"Hi Zoe!" I said
"Hello!" She smiled
"I can't believe your leaving already!" She said
"I know! I'll miss you!" I frowned
I help Zoe cooked and one by one they all started to go down and we all ate breakfast, after eating it was 10! And we're leaving at 12 for lunch! So since it was still quite early so me and Caspar went to my room...he was on his laptop and I was on my phone...
"Meg? Can't you go back here again?" Casp asked
"Why?" I asked
"Me and Joe have the premier remember?" He said
"Oh yeah...I'm not sure! But I don't think I could! Sorry!" I said as he frowned
I feel really sad that I can't go to Caspar's big premier!
"Casp, I'll just go downstairs!" I said
"Okay" he said
I rushed downstairs and saw Zoe and Alfie leaving
"Meg! We're buying a cake for later! When we come back we'll just change and lets head to the restaurant!" Zoe said
"Okay!" I smiled
I went back to my room, invited Caspar to eat and got we started to get ready when it was 11!
I went to my room and grabbed my towel and took a bath...I brushed my teeth and my hair, I put some deos and changed into a dress that had a black long sleeve top and a black and white striped bottom, I also wore the shoes I just bought the other day! I put on some makeup and put on a crimson Mac lipstick! I curled my hair and styled it a bit...I grabbed my bag that Joe got me and put my makeups and gadgets in the bag, I went downstairs and then I saw Oli and Joe ready and lounging putting their feet up on the couch!
"Where's Caspar?" I asked
"Room" Joe said
Then Zoe texted me
We're just around the corner, be there in any minute
I went upstairs to check on Caspar and as I was just about to grab the door Caspar opened it...
"Oh! Just came to check you!" I said
"Do I look okay?" He asked
"Yep!" I said
We went downstairs and the others where ready! Then soon Zalfie came, we had to squeeze a bit so Zoe was in the driver seat, Tyler and Troye are quite thin so they were in the passenger seat and the rest of us at the back, Oli kinda had to carry Joe since there was no more space, since for the fact we are 9 of us in the car! The journey was not long so we didn't suffer a bit... We got out of the car and it was a relief for everyone! I basically rented a place outside the garden and it was like Alice in Wonderland when we entered...
"Wow!" I said
Then Janya and Narcus were seating on the soon as they noticed they stood up and gave us a hug... I was at the head of the table with Caspar and Tyler on my sides! We ordered and I ordered the food that I love to eat! Steak and Mach Potatoes! I loveeee them! Just can't get enough of it!! While we waited we played piano tiles with the one who has the highest score! So far Alfie is on the lead! And it's Tanya's turn and Zoe lend me her camera so I could vlog!
Tanya failed because she thought she needed to tap the white -_-
Then it was my turn!
I got 9984! Dammit! Joe got 10137! Still I'm in second place!
Then our food arrived!
We were talking and laughing and Zoe put out the cake that says 'Vonvoyage Meg!'
"...My first expression of Meg was Pretty!" Tyler said
"Mine was too!" Zoe said
"Yeah,and Tanya was haggard!" Jim said
"Yeah, but I was sleepy!" Tanya said
"The day before you arrive was Alfie all alone cuz I was at a meeting, I had to force him to clean the house and Nala!" Zoe said
"When I went outside all I could hear was British accent!" I said
"Wait! If your from New York, why are you British?" Troye asked
" I used to live here in London, I moved to New York at 18!" I said
We talked and talked, then we had a pictorial, on the bridge, on the pond, on the flowers, with the cake, selfies, groupfies, all sorts!
We ate the cake and talked again,
"Wait! Meg I have something to give you" Caspar said
He gave me this brown box with a red ribbon, I opened it and it was a scrapbook! Awwwww..... And inside the first page was full of love quotes! The next page was full of our polaroid selfies! That's why he asked for it the other day! One was the day he asked me to a date, than a pic of us in our first date, than a stolen picture of me, than a pict that he took when I was sleeping, and that picture that I took of him sleeping...My heart totally melted!
"Awww....thanks Caspar!!!" I said as I gave him a hug...
Then me and Caspar took a polaroid picture at the bridge that Tanya took for us....
Then we head back home and it was 3pm, and after I took my makeup remover wipes and wiped my makeup off...I wore a red and black romper and put my hair in a ponytail and packed my bags! Since they were downstairs watching movie I packed my stuff and went downstairs to watch Netflix, we ordered Domino's Pizza for dinner and went to bed! Nyttttt

In Love With Caspar Lee
FanfictionAll events and happenings are all in the author's imagination! Pictures are from different sites on the internet such as Google! This is 100% original! And please do not copy it! I DIDN'T MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE OR ANYTHING! Thank you! Enjoy! Oh and...