☀️Chapter 4: Collecting The Teeth☀️

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Bliss's POV

"Hahahaha!" North laughed, running over the rooftops. "Quickly, quickly!" We were in Russia (I think, they were in Russia, I'm not sure) where we were trying to collect as many teeth as we could. We had started off in Europe first.

"Hop to it, Rabbit! I'm five teeth ahead!" Jack said from the sky at Bunny.

"Yeah right! Look, I'd tell ya to stay out of my way, but really what's the point? Cuz you ain't be able to keep up anyway!" Bunny replied back as he hopped on rooftop after rooftop.

"Is that a challenge, Cottontail?" Jack asked, flying backwards now.

"Ooh, you don't wanna race a rabbit, mate." Bunny said and increased his hopping on the rooftops.

"Whoa!" Jack said as he watched Bunny. I rolled my eyes at the two idiots.

"Is it a race? Is it a race? This is going to be epic!" North said, as he jumped out of chimneys, sending black smoke everywhere. I flew to giant sign and looked around to see any children with missing teeth. I turned around towards the sign and heard Tooth behind me.

"4 bicuspids over there! An incisor two blocks east! Is that a molar? They're everywhere!" She said and a force suddenly pushed me, making my face hit the sign and the person roughly bump into me.

"Ugh!" I groaned, holding my nose and turned to Tooth.

"Sorry." Tooth mumbled apologetically and I slightly smiled at her, telling her it was okay. I don't blame her, she hasn't been outside for more than 400 years. We flew to the top of the sign to see Jack and Baby Tooth standing over us.

"You okay?" Jack asked me, smiling since he thought it was funny.

I glared at him and said, "I'm fine!"

"Sorry Bliss, it's just been a really long time since I've been out in the field." Tooth said, looking around energetically.

"How long is a long time?" Jack asked.

"440 years, give or take?" Tooth answered, making Jack's expression turn into shock. She gasped, seeing a tooth and rushed for it, taking off. Jack turned to look at me and Baby Tooth for an explanation and we shrugged innocently.

Jack and I flew off and went to look for some teeth. Since I was faster than him, I rushed off and hid on the ceiling of a kid's room. He had lost one of his tooth and just as I was about to reach for it, Jack appeared from the window, making me turn invisible. He smirked and was about to go through the window, when Bunny appeared from his tunnels. Bunny chuckled, making Jack frown in annoyance and he shot ice at Bunny, making Bunny yell. I quietly laughed and just as Jack was about to grab the tooth from Bunny, I reappeared and snatched the tooth out of Bunny's hand, leaving Jack looking shocked. I quickly left a quarter under the kid's pillow. I flew around more houses, collecting teeth, leaving money and filling up my bag. Each time my bag was getting bigger and bigger, until it was half the size of me. All the teeth that I'd collected were nice and white and shiny. We then took the sleigh and went to Paris. Yay, I love Paris. The city of love.

We dashed off, collecting more and more teeth and I saw Bunny holding a tooth on the roof. The roof turned to ice and I knew who it was. Jack. Bunny slipped and as he passed Jack, he took the tooth out of Bunny's paw. "Yes!" Jack said. Sandy snatched the tooth from above Jack on his sand cloud and Jack yelled, "No!" I flew up to Sandy and took the tooth form his hand and laughed at his facial expression. I found the kid's house and left some money under his pillow.

I saw North dancing across the rooftops, then ducking into a chimney. "Hah!" He yelled.

"Haha." Bunny laughed before lighting the wood at the fireplace. "Ho ho ho."

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