Chapter 28

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Yaaaay, I finally posted! Sorry it took so long, with my computer and all! And sorry if this chapter is disappointing, I tried to write up as much as I could, seeing as the fact this story is coming to an end.


Elena’s POV:

            “Harry, we should go,” I tell him hurriedly, grabbing his upper arm as I tried to pull him away.

            But Harry was frozen on spot as he stared dead ahead. It was like him and Des were having some sort of staring competition from across the street. I bit my bottom lip as Harry’s teeth clenched, not moving from his spot. I plead to God that nothing too bad happens as I see Des leave the café, and Harry grips my hand tightly.

            “We should go,” I repeat, looking up at him.

            “No,” Harry replies, not looking at me as he stares straight ahead, “we can’t run away from him forever.”

            I bite my bottom lip as Des crosses the street, walking over to us. “Well, look who it is,” he says once he reaches us. “What are you two doing back in town? Haven’t seen you in about two years.”

            I stay quiet, standing right next to Harry as he looks at his father. “We’re here for a small break,” Harry says. “I didn’t expect to see you in town, either. What are you doing here?”

            “Same reason you’re here,” Des replies. “You’re visiting, I’m visiting.”

            Harry quirks an eyebrow. “Who have you got to visit?” he questions. “Mum wouldn’t want to see you, and if Gemma were here, she wouldn’t either.”

            I bite my lip. “Harry,” I say in a quiet warning tone. I then look away and see a couple of men with black cameras taking pictures, and I groan internally. “Harry, we have to go,” I say to him.

            He looks down at me. “Why?” he asks and I motion over to where the men hid, and he groaned. “Well, looks like we’ve got to be off,” Harry says to Des. “It was a pleasure seeing you,” he adds, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

            Des gives a tight lipped smile. “You too, son,” he nods, and then looks over to me. “Goodbye, Elena.”

            I bite my lip as Harry glares after Des as he walks away, before Harry and I start walking in the opposite direction, avoiding the paparazzi. Harry wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side as we walked back to his house. I looked down at my feet as I walked, trying to keep my face away from the paparazzi as they tried to take a picture. It annoyed me – it really did. I wanted to be able to go out with Harry without having paparazzi take a billion pictures of us. But I guess if I want to be with Harry, it’s going to be something I’ll have to get used to.


(outfit: )

            “You ready?” Harry asks, and I nod as I give myself a once over in the mirror. I was wearing a green button down blouse with the sleeves ending just below my elbows, dark blue skinny jeans, and white lace wedges. I had curled my hair and applied some silver nail polish with pink lip gloss and smoky eye shadow. The restaurant was a fancy one, and everyone was getting dressed up. It was out of town, so it’ll be a bit of a long drive.

            I nod, turning and giving him a smile. “Yeah,” I say, and then look at Harry. He was clad in black slacks, his pointy brown shoes, and a light blue button down shirt with a blazer on top. Yeah, he looked handsome.

They Don't Know About Us (Sequel to Teenage Dirtbag)Where stories live. Discover now