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  • Dedicated to you beautiful readers





idk why i added the last one..... but whatever.


*10 months later*

Elena’s POV:

            My hand kept rubbing over my giant belly, huffing as I lounged on the couch with the TV on even though I wasn’t really paying attention. I turned my head and looked out the window at the London afternoon skyline, my hand stopping at the center of my stomach as I felt a light kick. I chuckled, looking down as I cooed, “You’re quite the kicker, aren’t you?”

            “Talking to the baby again?” I heard my favorite voice speak, and I looked up to see Harry stroll into the living room.

            I chuckled. “Yeah.”

            After we had gotten married, Harry and I went on a beautiful and romantic honeymoon to Barcelona, Spain. We had an amazing time there and when we returned, I had found out that I was pregnant. This was a big deal for all of us, and the fans, to my surprise, were beyond excited. I guess because of the fact that Harry’s going to be a father? Some of them, from what I saw on Twitter, were ‘crying’ over the fact that they’d get new pictures of the boys with a baby and they didn’t think they’d be able to handle that. Eh, they’ll be fine.

            Harry and I had moved to our own house in London. He had moved out of his flat and bought a house for us in central London, and we were still close to where the rest of the boys lived. Our house was big and beautiful, and I felt so lucky to be living here.

            The boys’ career was still booming. They have been together for almost four years and they had released their third album as well. Their new world tour would be coming up as well, but Harry made sure it wouldn’t be until he was sure that I was okay with handling the baby by myself – which I thought was awfully sweet of him. And to his pleasure, the fans understood where he was coming from.

            As for the baby, Harry and I decided that we didn’t want to know the sex of it until after the baby was born. We’d like for it to be a surprise, but we have names picked out and everything. The baby’s room was something that the boys and Harry had surprised me with a couple of days ago.

            It was a cute yellow color – neutral so it didn’t matter if the baby was a boy or a girl. They had set up a crib, dresser, and even put in a comfortable small sofa for when we needed to help put the baby to sleep. It was an amazing surprise, and I thanked the boys so much for their hard work put into it.

            Speaking of the boys, we were still waiting for one of them to pop the question to their girls. Surprisingly, Melody and Niall had ended up together – it happened while Harry and I were in Spain. As for the others, they were still together. What was another surprise was that Tyler and Gemma had broken up, separating their ways but still remaining good friends.

            I was already nine months pregnant, and the baby was due any day. We had the baby bag ready, just in case the baby decided to just pop out any day. Harry had been so caring as well, putting up with my bitchy attitude and getting me the things I needed whenever I needed them.

            “Ugh, I just want this kid out of here already,” I groaned loudly, throwing my head back.

            “Well, geez, hello to you too,” a new voice said.

They Don't Know About Us (Sequel to Teenage Dirtbag)Where stories live. Discover now