Chapter 19

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Narrator pov:
"Sighs' why do I have to wear this dress. But I do like the color. " Y.n complain Sebastian. "Because, we had a guest today-" then I heard a carriage outside. "Oh. They're must be here." Y.n said. The dress she was wearing has f.c patterns and beautiful white silk fabrics. She curled her long h.c hair (it doesn't matter if you have short hair. If you don't like your hairstyle, just think of a hair that your full face was shown with no messy bangs.) Then you go downstairs.
"Hello, lady Midford." Y.n greeted the Marchioness, Lizzie's mom. "Oh. The pleasure is all mine. What a lovely figure you are. Tell me your name dear." Francis Midford ask. "Mom! She's the girl I've been telling you.  Isn't she's pretty! " squealed Lizzy as she ran towards you and hugged you. "Elizabeth! You should greet her first. A lady should do the proper way!" Scolded by her mother. "Sorry mother!" Elizabeth apologies.

Y.n pov:
Okay.... Can't wait to see Sebastian's and Ciel funny moment! I need my phone now!!!!!
'Sighs' maybe I should smile again.
"Don't need to worry milady, she was like a sister to me." I said. Then she stared at me weirdly. "Is there something wrong to my face?" I ask. "No. You just look familiar. The girl that friends with my daughter.  She's a sweet girl. Nevermind that! Are you a noble?" She questioned me. "Well.... not really. " I replied. "'Sighs' I thought you'll be the perfect woman to my son. Now. Show me -'grunted'." She grunted and stared weirdly at Sebastian. "Umm... miss. I there something wrong to my face?-" she cuts Sebastian buy grabbing his hair. "This face of yours... such an inappropriate image you present... you and your master are clearly male for some reason. Their fringe are long and disgusting. " she scolded.  I snickered at Sebastian's face. "Um aunt.... aunty. Hold on a sec- Wait! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!" Yelled Ciel.

I secretly video it. Pft. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Sorry if we cause you so much trouble...." Ciel said nervously.  "Y.n. They didn't look cute." Whispered Lizzy. "I have to agree with you Liz." I whispered back. "Hey y.n. Good thing you didn't wear your cloak. You definitely look cute!" Shrieked Lizzy. "Hehe... because if I do, I will be ended up like them." I pointed at Sebastian and Ciel.

"Hey y.n..." Ciel whispered.  "Yeah." I replied back. "Do you always wanted to have a pet horse?" Ask Ciel. "Well.... I don't care. I like all kinds of animals." I replied back. We were walking down the hallways. I hope Frances won't notice the troubles that my friends were doing. I was just walking outside alone then I heard a horse cry. I follow the voice. And I ended up in this um.... horse stable I think then I saw a horse with a f.c ribbon wrapped around its neck. The horse has beautiful black mane and chocolate brown skin. When I came cliser to it, I saw a letter. I picked it up and it says:
Dear Y.n,
           We hope that you'll love the gift. The horse is a boy and you can name him. We wish that we give this to you in Christmas but we saw you emotionless and never smile at us these days. We all love you Y.n.
                                                Sincerely love,
                                        The servants, Sebastian, Tanaka and Your brother like- Ciel.

My tears were falling and I smile. I pat the horse and remove the ribbon. "Maybe I should call you...... Chocolate. Because of your beautiful colored skin." I complimented him and he pokes his jead on me to give him more pats. "Oh! You want me to stay here." I questioned him. Then he cried happily. "Okay, okay. Let's wait for the others. Chocolate.

Ciel pov:
Where's Y.n? Nevermind.  I think she walk inside the horse stable. I hope she'll love our gift for her. "Ciel." I heard lizzie called me. "What is it Lizzie? " I ask. "Where's Y.n? I thought she's with us?" She as anxiously.  "Don't worry milady. Y.n was just having a relaxation outside." Sebastian replied. "Oh... ok." She said.
When we get to my horse stable, we heard someone laugh. "Who's laughing?" Ask my aunt Frances. We took a peek at the back of the horse stable, we saw Y.n playing with her own pet horse. I'm glad she loves our gift. "Let's leave them alone." I suggest. Then they all nodded. I can finally see Y.n's real angelic smile again.

Big timeskip
Y.n pov:
Ha! Ha! I love playing with my new horse. I teach him to do tricks. He is such a fast learner. I laugh heartily then I lie down on the grass then I heard gun noises. Chocolate began to panic and I hugged him to calm down. "Don't worry. We'll be safe ok. Trust me. They won't hunt us." I said then Chocolate calmed. I sang "Flashlight" from pitch perfect 2 Jessie J. Then one cute rabbit appear. Then another rabbit appear. Then I saw few birds coming closer to me. Some deers are going closer to me. Then a lot of creatures come closer to. One of them sat on my lap, standing on my fingers. What am I. Snow White!? I continue singing then the birds sang with me. Ya know. Chirping I mean. Then I heard another gun shot. One of them ran away. What a stupid challenge game that Ciel and Frances play. Hurting harmless creatures. I then sang again then they come closer to me. Then I saw one deer's leg injured. "Oh. You poor thing." I cried then I saw a bullet around it. I then said to the deer "Calm down. You're gona live. This will hurt a lot but trust me." I said to the deer. I use my pocket tools and I found a tweezer. I then pull tge bullet then I saw a mysterious potion appear to my arm. Then u just poured it to the deer's leg and it healed quick. "You're just like Snow White. How princess-like. My kitten~" I heard Sebastian's voice behind me. "So. You've been watching me. I knew it." I said blankly.  "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Stop being so emotionless my kitten. I can't believe you sing something angelic milady. I shall punish you-" I cut him by kissing him on the lips. "So. That means you're not gonna punish me~" I teased him. Seriously.  How can a demon like Sebastian blush. Oh come on! He's a demon. "Still punish you." He suggested.  "Why!~" I whined at him. "Because your kiss isn't passionate enough. This is how you do it milady." He pulls me to his chest and kissed me passionately. His kiss was like full of lust and greedy and do the french kiss to me around 2 mins. Then I push him. "What the blaze is that for!?" I scolded him. I can feel my cheeks heat up. Why I always blush! This really never happens to me. But this world took my virgin lips and make me blush when any guys kiss him. "Oh I love your tsundere side my kitten~" he cooed. Then I look away. "Oi! You better go back there or else Ciel will punish you." I grunted. "I know. You should come with us because Lady Elizabeth and her mother were so anxious to you." He said. " 'sigh' Fine. " I answered then I ride on Chocolate's back. Then Sebastian interrupt.  "Y.n. How about I'll ride for you." He said. "No. I know how to- What the fudge!?" I shouted. He's already in front of me. "Why you....." I grunted. "I know you rode a horse before but I just wanted to treat you like a princess." He cooed. "Whatever! Let's go!" I shouted then we move.

Lizzie pov:
Where's y.n? Oh! Their she is with a horse and Sebastian. I ran to her and hugged her. "I WAS SO WORRIED TO YOU! Y.N!" I cried. "Elizabeth...." I heard my mother grunted. I let go of y.n. "Sorry mother!" I apologies. "It's alright Lady Midford. I already told you Lizzie is like a little sister to me." I heard Y.n's angelic voice. Then we eat lunch. "

Y.n pov:
" So y.n. Please call me your Aunt." Frances said to me. How many adult ladies wanting me to call them my mother or aunt. How can Frances like me already. "Oh. Ok." I replied back then smile at her. "You know, my brother Vincent use to have a business partner but she was too young to do the Queen's work. She was 6 when she started the work. She was called the Queen's Shadow. Then my brother and his wife thinking her as their own daughter." Me and Ciel and of course Sebastian knows already but they all still don't know I'm the most dangerous Queen's Mad Hatter. " Then, she always plays with my nephew Ciel and my children Elizabeth and Edward. She treated them all like she's the motherly figure.  Then I always laugh when my son Edward always blushing at her. Then she was like a real family to all of us. Then when my brother and his wife pass away, she pass away with them too in the fire. When she's here,  she always laugh and give gifts to all of us everytime. She was like you Y.n. Same appearance amd personality. 'Sob' sorry. She's just so similar to you." When Frances' s tears were falling down her cheeks, I walk up to her and hugged her. "No need to cry. I despise people crying. Happiness will make me mad." I said to her. "Hee. Hee. She always use that word when she said something to us. Mad is her catchphrase. " Frances pouted. "Yay! Is that mean that we can invite her to our manor!" Lizzie shouted cheerfully. "Yes." Her mother answered. "But Lizzie-" I cut Ciel. "Ciel. Only for one day." I suggest.  "Fine." He answered. 

Narrator pov:
When they eat, they saw something behind Lizzie's back. "I'm glad that you like y.n mother." Lizzie exclaimed then someone roars. "'Gasp'!" Lizzie gasp as the bear was about to attack her. "LIZZIE!" Everyone yelled except Sebastian.  Ciel tackled Lizzie then Frances carried her shot gun. Then the bear had fallen on the ground.

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