Extert #1 (A.I.)

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The sun shone down upon me as I felt the heat on my face. A slight wind was blowing and keeping the heat to a minimal. I watched the clouds roll across the sky without a care in the world and became lost in a day dream.

I heard the back door open but I didn't turn around. I continued to lay on the grass when I heard someone clear their throat.


"H-hey, what are you doing here?" I looked up at him and seen the look of sadness in his eyes. His face was puffy and his nose was stuffed up.

"I came here to talk. I really need my best friend right about now." His hazel eyes were blood shot and I sat up instantly.

"Ash, what's wrong?" I placed my hand on his arm and rubbed tiny circles on his bicep. He shook his head and looked at the blue sky.

"She just- Well she- I came clean." I was shocked by his response and my eye brows furrowed.

"What're you talking about? Coming clean on what?"

"I told her the truth. I'm not in love with her or have I ever been. I only liked what she had to offer. She must have known who I was talking about when I loved someone else instead." Ashton turned to me and I was more confused than ever.

This is how it went down.

Ashton's pov

"What do you mean you can't live like this? Everything is perfect." She cried and I bit my lip. Nothing was perfect and I don't want to live like this any more.

"This is what I'm saying. I'm in l-love with someone else." My voice was barely above a whisper and I lacked any confidence I ever had.

"Do I know her?" I nodded my head. She laughed dryly. "I really should have known. You and her are too close. I can't believe I could ever have thought that you could love me."

"She's my best friend but at the same time she's so much more important to me than I realise." I shivered under her gaze.

"I'm going to leave and you will never speak to me again, got it? I could show you the world and you could have it all but you're turning this down for some small town girl." She shook her head and grabbed her purse. She walked to the door and shook her head.

"Whatever. I hope you live a nice life Ashton Irwin. I guess it's a good thing you never asked me to move in." And with that she turned the knob and walked out of the door along with my old life and I made no attempt to stop it.

*present time*

My head was swimming with thoughts. I know I love him but was I willing to go through the trouble of possibly losing my best friend?

"A-Ashton I don't know what to say. You know how I feel from my last relationship and I don't want to go through that again." I ran my fingers through my hair and he took a hold of my hand in his.

"I know, I'm just saying that I can't stand to be around you and not be able to hold you or kiss you whenever I want. I want you to be mine but I'll wait if I have to, that's not a problem." I held his gaze the whole time he spoke and I knew he meant it.

"Now that you mention it, the urge is pretty strong." My arms wrapped around his larger figure and he held me as close as possible.

"C-can I kiss you? I know it's early and all but I just-"

"If you were to kiss me, I wouldn't stop you." His eyes gleamed and he leaned closer. I felt his breath on my face and his lips ghosted over mine.

I mustered up all the confidence I had and placed my lips on his and I melted in his arms. My hands found their way to his locks and I ran my fingers through them.

The kiss sent electric waves through my body and I pulled away for air all too quickly. Our foreheads rested on the other and I seen his smile grow wider.

"I love you so much.

"I love you so much more Ash."

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