The new girls in town

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Caties pov*

I walked into the office to get something for the teacher. I saw two girls I haven't seen before they must be new here. I went up to the office lady I never took the time to remember her name. "I need something for Mr.sbarbaro I forgot what it was" I said "Oh here this is his, Oh catie these two girls are new they need a small tour can you give them one please?" she asked "Yeah sure" I said "Hi my names Heather" said the girl with dark brown hair "Hi Heather" I said "I-Im Anna Elizabeth" said the girl with brown hair "Hi Anna" I said "Lets go i'll show you all the classes" I said.

We walked out and i bumped into Damon "Hey babe" He said "Hey" I said kissing him "I have to go show new girls around" I said He looked at them and waved "Ok catch you later" He said "Ok bye" I said and walked away "He's cute" Anna said "Yeah he is" Heather said "Your lucky" Heather said "I guess" I said and shrugged "Ok so heres the cafeteria and over there is chemestry and on that side is Math and over there is History" I said I sound like those people from orienation geez "Ok so thats all the classes I have to go to math so yeah i'll see you guys for lunch" I said walking away "Hey wait" I heard Heather say "Yeah?" I said "We have math together" she said "Oh yeah Anna what class do you have?" I asked "Uh chemestry" she said "Oh ok ill see you at lunch ok" I said "ok bye" she said and walked to class the bell rung and me and heather ran to class we sat down in the way back with Damon he wrote a note and passed it to me it said 'wanna hang out after school?' 'sure :)' i wrote and passed it back to him.

The class ended earlier than I thought. I sat down with Heather and Anna came some after "Hey" I said as Anna sat down "Hey" She said back Damon sat in front of me "Hey" He said "Hey" I said back "Is Dan and Phil coming or are they in detention?" I asked "Oh uh they um i dont know" He said "Oh" I said "Who are they?" Heather asked as Dan and Phil walked to our table "The one with short sorta emoish hair is Dan and the one next to him is Phil" I said "Dans cute" Heather said I just rolled my eyes "Hey Catie uhh who are they?" Dan said "Hey and this is Heather and Anna" I said Dan and Heather had a thing going on and so did Phil and Anna. Me and Damon well just looked at our friends and them boom us too had a thing going on Heather had to snap me out of it.

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