Chapter 1

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"Hannah, come down for breakfast" yells aunt Mara. I am in my room fully dressed in a blue t-shirt that goes beyond my knees, black denim jeans with rips through them and on my feet black and white converse shoes. I am also starring out of the window. Thinking. Thinking about things unimaginable. The fact that I am an immortal. The fact that I am 1600 years old. And I go to high school like a normal teenager with normal kids who don't even know, won't ever know who I really am. I still stare out of the window in a daze. Aunt Mara calls me again. I get up and yell back to her from my room, upstairs.

"Coming in a minute."

Then she replies, "OK." I open my door and race down the stairs. I stop for a moment, patting down my hair and my t-shirt. Then I walk casually into the kitchen.

"Good morning" She says happily. She sits at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. Eggs are on the burner. This seemed very strange for me, with the fact that there was nothing happy about waking up in the morning continuously at the same exact time, to do the exact same things. Not to mention school. Ek.

"Morning" I replied halfheartedly.

"What's the fuss?" Aunt Mara asked standing up where she was seated, with hands on her hips.

"Nothing it's just that-"

"You don't want to go to school today?" She smiles as she says this, quite amused.

"Exactly" I say, a smile growing on my face and putting my index finger in the air. (As if 'Ah-ha' isn't the answer clear.)

Aunt Mara frowns. "Hun, you know school is mandatory?"

"Yeah but it would only be one day...and...and I've been through high school already-"

"No, what do you think will happen to us- to you- if we blow our cover, we've tried so long to blend into society and we're not stopping now because you don't want to go to school" I didn't answer because I already knew what would happen if society found out about us. It would probably be chaos. We'd be poked and picked at; as if caged animals. I didn't want that. Over the years I had found that most humans didn't like things supernatural; they would exterminate them out. Because they are afraid afraid of things they do not know and the things they do not understand. Things similar to me.

"OK" I replied "I'll go to school today". Aunt Mara nodded and half of a smile protruded upon her face.


She went across the kitchen to tend to the sizzling eggs. She took up a spatula and took up the pan, scraping the eggs into a plate. She puts the pan in the sink and then grabs the plate of eggs and plants it down on the opposite side of the table. Next she sits down in the place where she was sitting before. "Eat up" she says "the bus will be here in a couple of minutes". I sit down and chow down on the eggs, after what Aunt Mara said I don't want to be late for school.

Pattie laughed giddily at Mr. Lowe's remark about how better it would have been for the political figures of the Battle of New Orleans to have facebook or twitter so that they would have known ahead of time of the signing of the Treaty of Ghent; thus ending the war before it began. I sighed. What was it with students crushing on their teachers in this century? Pattie is my friend and all, but really? Isn't that teacher a bit too old for you? She was only sixteen; Mr. Lowe was around thirty besides the fact that he looked like he was twenty. But either way it seemed gross.

I slowly edged out my seat. My butt still but not completely off the chair. "Pattie" I whispered. She didn't budge, her light blue eyes were still mesmerized into Mr. Lowe's soft babyface. I called her again "Pattie", I hissed. Shocked she turned around.

"What?" She says, glancing at me as though she could strangle me.

Oh well, I'm just happy that she finally turned around.

"You really should get a better hobby." She lifts one eyebrow.

"Oh really?"

"Yep, I'm afraid stalking teachers is out of the question." She smirks.

"Oh come on Hannah, you know how cute the guy is!? And it's actually great because I can actually tune in to American History." I laughed she always got me there. And she has a point, I'm happy that she's found something that helps her concentrate in class. Mr. Lowe keeps turning around to the point that I think he knows Pattie and I aren't paying attention. But luckily he doesn't stop us. He continues his lesson. Nevertheless, I decide to turn back around and pay attention for the remainder of class. I'll talk to Pattie after class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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