A Love Story: Benjamin Lasnier and Tobias Neergaard

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A/N: Thie ie my first fan fic I might suck so sorry if it does :/ ♡♡Skylar♡♡

Well im ganna start by saying my name is Daisy Rose, werid name people call me "miss flower" sometimes I hate my name. Enyways I live in LA, California and im Danish and Mexican werid mix huh? my mom is Danish and my dad is Mexican. Ive been liveing with my dad since my parents been divorce so 10years, my parents divorced when I was 4 im 14 now. I have to move to Denmark for 4 years cause my mom missed me :P So im not ganna see my dad untill im 18 sad cause I love my dad :(

~~Next Day~~~

"omg!!!! Daisy!!!!!" my sister victoria said (shes really my bff) "what!?" I said freaked out "you're going to Denmark in 3 days right!?" she said with a freaky grin "yeah? why?" "because" she said untill my dad walked in " Daisy, dinner is almost ready.. oh victoria are you staying the night?" "yeah if its okay with u?" " its fine with me" my dad said while leaving the room. "okay, anyways what did u need to tell me!?" I said texting my best guy friend Austin, "oh yeah!!! okay so I was doing some instagram searching about this boy name Benjamin Lasnier cause my little sister is sooooo obsessed with him and she said that he's our age and he lives in denmark! And he's super hot!!!" she said while showing me a picture of him. "DAMN!! He's hot!" I said jumping on my bed. "yeah! anyways what part of Denmark are you going to??" she questioned "some town called Copenhagen haha it sounds funny" I said eating popcorn while texting Austin. "oh my fucking god!!!!" she said screaming while shakeing me "wat wat wat!???!!!!???" I said while screaming trying to push her away. "BENJAMIN LASNIER LIVES IN COPENHAGEN!!!!!" she said screaming "cool" I said texting Austin like nothing just happened. "COOL COOL!?!?" she said with a werid look on her face. "dude, calm down im like best friends with his friend Tobias Neergaard!" I said trying to calm her down. " And when were u ganna tell me this?" she said confusedly "I never knew about him he never showes me a picture of Benjamin all he said is his best friend is Benjamin Lasnier!" I said while trying to shove things in my bags for the trip. "Lets just get ready for dinner" I said while walking out the door.

~~3 day later~~

Well this was the day I was going to Denmark. "Ill miss you daisy" my dad said hugging me before I went on the plane "ill miss you to daddy I love you" I said starting to cry a little "Ill love you to sweetie pie". " Well my Animal, ill miss you. Dont go make new friend up there in Denmark!" victoria said huging me tightly. "haha I wont ur the one in only sister/best friend Ill just be a loner in Denamark" I said crying and laughing a little " you know thats not wat I meant haha u can make friends but im ur only sister friend!" "ha yeah". "Ill miss you u werido!" Austin said while hugging me "I told u not to call me that, Austinoto" I said with a grin on my face. " And I told u not to call me by my full name!" "haha now were evan!" I said hugging him. I will miss Austin the most cause I actually have special feelings for him... But he was like a older brother to me hes 15. " Hey, buger can I tell you something?" he said wispering in my ear while I was hugging him. "yeah, sure Austinoto!"

~~ wat Austins thinking~~

This is the moment im going to tell emily how I feel about her. Oh god she called me Austinoto I hate my name but its cute how she says it. Oh god she looked cute today with her hair down n she was wearing skinny jeans with red vans and a black crop top that showed almost her whole stomach. Ahah Austin snap out of it! Just tell her shes leaving for 4 years tell her now!!! or ull havento wait 4 years untill u meet again!!


"what did u need to tell me Austinoto?! hurry up ill miss my plane!! I said while hugging victoria and my dad. "ill miss you very much! dont make any boyfriends up in Denmark! or ill beat their ass! okay??" Austinoto said while hugging me " I dont promise you! but.. Youll my best guy friend and nothing can change that bro!" I said while hugging him tighter "haha okay go get ur ass on that plane or ur ganna miss it!" "okay, I love you guy ill miss u ill call every day promise!" I said crying and walking away.

A Love story: benjamin lasnier and tobias neergaardWhere stories live. Discover now