Road Trip

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3rd Person P.O.V

He got up from his bed and took a shower. He brushed his teeth, packed his clothes, and other things he needed for the trip. He put them in his car and started the engine. He took out his phone and dialed his best friend's phone number.

"Hey,you ready?" He said excited
"Huh, yeah I'm waiting." A sleepy voice said.
"Ok, here I come."
"Why are we leaving right now it's five in the morning?"
"Well we are trying to get there early and I made reservations."
"Ok, I'm out on my porch waiting."
"I'm on my way."
"Ok, bye Frosty." The voice giggled.
"Bye Snowflake." He chuckled and hung up. As he made his way to his best friend's house.

××××××××× Time Skip ×××××××××

He stopped in front of his best friend's house. He got his keys and saw a girl with platinum blonde hair in a pony tail, icey blue eyes, with joggers on and a bed shirt.

"Hey Snowflake." He said walking towards her.
"Hey Frosty," she said while she stretched.
"Took you long enough." She said and giggled.
"Well, I'm a safe driver."
"Oh, whatever and help me with these bags."
"Ok, Ok....pushy much?" He mumbled
"I heard that." She said as she took two bags out of her four. He just chuckled and took the rest her bags.

×××××××××× Time Skip ×××××××××

They have been on the road for hours laughing, joking, teasing, talking, stopping at places, sleeping and most of all enjoying each other's company.

"Jack, how many hours do we have till we get to Florida?"
"We are in Florida." He said the chuckled. She gasped.
"Since when?"
"Since an hour ago when you were on your phone."
"Oh." She giggled.
"Yea. Do you want to head straight to the hotel or go eat?"
"Hotel, first so we can drop off the bags then eat."
"Ok, where do you want to go eat?"
"Uh... Actually I haven't thought about that. I don't know where."
"Don't worry I have a place."
"Well, can you tell me where?"
"Nope, its a surprise."
"Come on Frosty." She said playfully.
"Too bad Snowflake." He said in a husky voice that sent chills down her spine.
"Anyway we're here." He said and stopped at the Five star hotel.
"Wow..." She said looking at the hotel with amazement.
"I know right let's go." He said and turned of the vehicle. They both got out.

"Come on let's go check in."
"Aren't we suppose to get the bags?"
"Oh, yea." He said and chuckled to him self. He's always forgetful around her. He got his and her bags out the vehicle. He carried his bags and she carried hers.
Once they got inside Jack went up to the front desk, Elsa followed.

"Hello Sir, how may I help you?" The lady at the desk asked.
"Yes, I made reservations for Jack."
"Let me see if we have a reservation under Jack." She typed the found what she was looking for.
"Oh, your room is 154 on the third floor and here's your card." She said and handed him a card. He gladly took the card and got his bags.
"Come on Elsa." He said, walking to the elevator. Elsa followed. They both went on. Elsa's eyes were getting heavier because the lack of sleep. Jack noticed.
"Els you ok?" Jack said worried
"Yeah just wanna lay down."
"Well we're,"he was interrupted by a ding "almost there. Come on Els." He said getting the bags and going out. Elsa did the same. They walked and halfway down the hallway, Jack found their room.

"We're here." He said and slid the card in the door unlocked. He twisted the doorknob, being a gentleman like he is, let Elsa go in first. As soon as Elsa stepped in she threw her bags and ran to the big queen sized bed and jumped on it.
'How cute' Jack thought.
"Jack, come lay down on this bed its so comfortable." She said melting into the bed. Jack walked over to the bed and laid down. He had to admit it was comfortable. They both lay in a comfortable. Little did Jack know Elsa fell asleep. Elsa started to lightly snore. Jack heard the soft snores and chuckled to himself.

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