DIVISION 3: Team Alpha

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     " You made a big mistake coming in here", he says. The door on the side opens and an man wearing dark blue armor came in. " I'm Agent Florida. Nice to meet you", he says. He pulls an assault rifle and points it at me. The director leaves the room and Agent Florida locks the door. He moves to where he in front of me not pointing his gun down. I was about o run to him when the door behind me and a familiar voice yelled "Wait!".

     York runs in between on hold his hands out. " Don't shoot", he says. " Where's the director?", asked Carolina coming from behind me. So does North, Wash, and South. " He left", answers Florida putting his gun down. I just stood there not moving from my spot. "Ugh! You *****! What the heck!", yelled South. She was about to punch me when North stopped her. " Calm down South", he says. There was a big argument going on so I just sat in a corner until they were done. In didn't end like I thought it would and Carolina seemed to tired of the argument and walked up to me.

     " Come on", she said. I decided to follow her cause I had no intention on staying in here. After a while if silent walking we walked in to a room. There was a bed, a small dresser, a closet, a attached bathroom, a lamp, and a desk. Everything was very plain besides a poster with a picture of everyone on Team Alpha. " You can sit down", she said pointing at the chair. I pulled out the chair under the desk and sat down. " How long do you think there gonna keep arguing?", I ask. " Maybe another hour or so", she answers laying on the bed facing the ceiling.

     She then turns to me and asks " Do you remember anything about your past yet?". I think about for a little bit and said no. " Too bad. I kinda got interested in you sense you look so different", she says. She asked about other questions that I could possibly answer like if my horns were real and such. She even patched my cuts on my leg, arm, and started stomach. When she was done I finally asked the questions that has been in my mind forever. " What were they doing to me? Why did you bring me here?". She looks down for a while and looks back at me.

     " Well to answer your second question, we didn't even know you were in there. We were just put on a mission to bring the black orb you were in back to Project Freelancer. As for your first question, I really don't know actually", she says. I look at the poster and then back at Carolina and said " So you were just following orders? You just do what your told to do and have no objections?", I ask. She sat up and faced me and said " Let me just tell you something right now that would let you at least survive in this place. That man, the director runs this place. He decides everything here and if he gives you and order than you do that order he gave you no matter what. He decides when your in and when your out", her face was very serious.

     There was a moment of silence until she spoke again and said " I want you to join the team even if we just met. I think you would be a good addition to the team even if South pretty much hates you. I don't want you to leave", something sparkled in her eyes. Something I've never seen in her before. " Why would you want me?", I ask. She looks down and mumbles " You remind me of someone". I figured she didn't want anyone to know so I didn't say anything and just nodded indicating that I would join.

     " Welcome to team Alpha, Black Dragon".

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