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They sat around the lunch table as light chatter filled the air. At the far end of the table, the two boys were talking in hushed tones, laughing and bantering, eyes intent on each other.
"What are you two talking about?" Asked Agatha, without acknowledgement.
"Bah, they're flirting, that's what," Penelope said with a grin. The boys looked up at that.
"Okay, just because you're jealous of my amazing good looks," Baz started.
"Mouth-watering," Simon agreed, nodding.
Baz raised his eyebrow. "Not too bad yourself, Snow. Great body you have there, might I add."
Penelope and Agatha both rolled their eyes.
Simon's eyes sparkled mischievously as he said, "It's all yours, Pitch," and he sat back in his chair, spreading his arms wide.
"Well then," said Baz, leaning his elbows onto the table with a smirk on his face, clearly not having expected such reciprocity, "we'll have to see about that later."
"Ugh, get a room, seriously," objected Penelope while Agatha laughed.
Simon suddenly had a pink tinge to his cheeks. However, he quickly regained his mischievous smirk and said, "Not so fast, Basilton. I like to take things slow."
"I can do that," replied Baz, grinning sneakily. Then, faking dramatics with a mocking tone, "I just can't control myself when your deep blue eyes stare so intensely at me like that."
"But I simply can't take them off you, Basilton," Simon replied, so flirtatiously that Baz could only stare at him for a moment. He laughed it off a second later, but Simon had caught Baz's dark eyes and momentarily furrowed brow in that second.
Penny and Agatha exchanged glances across the table and the latter lifted an eyebrow. "I ship it," Penelope sighed, resigned. Agatha laughed and agreed. "Yup."
"All the ladies in London, Baz, and you go for him? C'mon." Joked Penelope.
"Shut up, Bunce," Baz fired back. "He's all mine, you can't have him." Simon glanced up at Baz's practically serious tone. He had almost sounded like he had said it defensively. Their eyes met, and for that split second, Simon realized how serious Baz looked. Baz saw Simon's searching gaze and gave him a wink.

A half hour later, Baz, Simon, Penelope, and Agatha were back in the boys' room. (Simon was still none the wiser as to how Penelope managed to get into the place.) The two girls were sitting on the ground by the fire reading, while Baz looked out the window at the darkening sky, and Simon was laying on his bed, arm over his eyes, his other hand resting on his stomach.
Baz turned with a sigh from the window and spotted his roommate lying on the bed. He ran over and jumped across him (still perfectly gracious, as only Baz could), eliciting a grunt from Simon and a glance from the girls, who, again, rolled their eyes.
"How about that later, then?" Baz asked, installing himself on Simon's thighs, crossing his arms over his chest, eyebrow slightly raised in a suggestive manner.
Simon peered at the boy on top of him, evaluating his expression. Still surprised, he smirked and said, in a stage whisper, "Basilton, hush, there's people watching! Please!"
"Oh, sorry," Baz replied in the same mock whisper, and looked around at the girls, giving them a 'Well, what are you waiting for?' kind of look. Jokingly, of course.
But the girls sighed, put down their books, got up, and walked out of the room. Before they disappeared through the door, though, Penelope turned and said, "Don't kill each other, now," with fake exasperation.
When the door had shut, Simon looked back at Baz, who glanced from the door to him, a look of equal mild shock reflected on both their faces.
"Well, guess we have it to ourselves, then," Baz said, quite a bit flirtatiously, thought Simon, and the same mischievous look was back.
Baz grinned, though Simon could see his eyes were almost, well, nervous looking, something quite strange for Baz, Simon knew. There was a moment of silence where both boys barely moved. Baz was outright straddling Simon. His hands unconsciously moved down to lean his warm palms on Simon's hips, and the latter, feeling the pressure, raised an eyebrow. Simon saw Baz's expression change, his eyes become darker.
"Well?" Simon inquired. Baz's lips turned up at the corners in a mischievous smirk.
"Well, what?" Baz asked.
"All those flirtatious compliments over lunch, one would've thought you had something for me there." His eyes were challenging.
"Huh, you were the one with quite the sneaky eyes, were you not, as I recall?" As if on cue, Simon glanced down at Baz's white t-shirt, and caught the ends of the fabric between his clumsy fingers. He lifted his gaze back to Baz's eyes and noted a look of surprise. Baz, however, quickly laughed it off and playfully batted Simon's hands away, saying, "Thought you wanted to take it slow, Snow?"
Simon pressed his head into the pillow and flung his arm across his face, shielding his eyes. "You got me there, Basilton. But your eyes, so compelling and entrancing!"
Baz quickly leaned down, face inches from Simon's, and the latter, sensing the shift in weight upon him, uncovered his eyes and was almost startled to see Baz so close.
"How about now?" questioned Baz, voice deep and husky. Simon could only stare into the other boys' eyes. They were honestly beautiful.
Baz, thinking the comment had successfully rendered Simon speechless, smiled again. But Simon smirked back and muttered huskily, "Not so fast, Pitch."
Baz was expecting it as the other boy raised his arm to place his hand on the back of Baz's neck, breathed out a, "finally," as Simon lifted his head and Baz bent down to let their lips connect. They kissed hungrily, as if they had waited all day for this (Penelope and Agatha, giggling about the two boys from Agatha's room, would agree they had waited much longer).
Simon's shirt came off first, Baz's hands finding their way all over his slim body. Simon took advantage of Baz's pause for heavy breath and flipped him so that now he was straddling Baz, and proceeded to pull off the shirt of the boy below him. For a moment he admired the strong, lean body. Then Baz's lips were back on his, trailing down his neck, stopping to suck at the base, leaving a bright bruise for all to see, hands trailing over all his beauty marks, across the toned stomach above him.
Simon left a similar mark on Baz's neck, barely hidden when they emerged from the room a while later. Their shirts were hastily pulled over their heads, hair tussled from the other's hands running through it, eyes bright and glinting mischievously, lips quite red, cheeks flushed, even Baz's, to his slight embarrassment. When the two girls saw them arrive for their next meal, they took one look, glanced at each other, and burst into a fit of giggles. The boys turned away from then huffily, trying to ignore the laughter, but Penny and Agatha noticed Baz's gentle hand on the small of Simon's back, and the latter's head cocked towards the boy beside him as they whispered between themselves. It was almost as if they didn't want to let go of each other.
It wasn't long before others also noticed the stealthy glances between the two boys, though the latter kept to their usual banter, perhaps with a slight increase in mocking comments and quite a few more flirtatious winks.

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